and West Jones playing each other in any sport has always been one to remember, and as always that was not a normal day. As soon as I arrived to the gym I saw the gym was already jam packed, and it was a hour before game time. My stomach instantly balled up in a knot. As I walked through the doors of the gym I could hear our fans having…
He needed to train it or something. Every time he opened the door, he always got out, usually ensuring an encounter with her. "Pasta come inside and get washed up for dinner" His grandma yelled out. He always hated that name. It's like his parents wanted him to get picked on. He got them to call him Pas instead. "I saw you on your way back from Mrs. Patterson's house, did Pete get out again?" she asked. " Yeah I got him though" He said slowly continuing the daily conversation. "We should really…
that way, then how do you think children born into the LGBT community feel after realizing their sexuality is a unique one? As parents, first time or not, you all need to grasp the painstaking reality of who your child is interested in. Parents should accept their children no matter what their sexual orientation because this problem could cause permanent "damages", child abandonment and worst of all, the child may go through a suicidal stage. We're at a crucial in history ever since the LGBT…
friendship is established, that is how a friend should protect. Sugrīva says Rāma must help him. Sugrīva is quoting śāstra - āḍhyo vāpi daridro vā duḥkhitaḥ sukhito 'pi vā | Bhāratam talks about this – Droṇa and Drupada mahārāja were students in one place during when they were young. They learned dhanurveda; the two of them were friends in spite of one being a prince and one being a brahmin’s son. One time, Drupada said, “If I get a kingdom, I will give you half.” Droṇa accepted. After the…
Imagine your son or daughter coming home with a very worn out stance. Their head is down, and they go up to their room. You just think they had a rough day, so you do not pay any attention to it. Dinner time rolls around, so you go to their room to procure them, but you see an empty bottle of pills. They will not wake up. You look on their desk after looking at their body, finding a note explaining everything. What would you do? Almost half the world is accepting of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,…
Unbroken is a story by Laura Hillenbrand about an extraordinarily brave and courageous man by the name of Louie Zamperini. Throughout the story he endeavors many inhumane hardships and challenges. Louie is in fact, unbroken. He did not give up regardless of how difficult the issue was he was fighting through. There are thousands of people, all over the world, who have incredible survivor stories similar to Louie’s. These stories vary from abuse of any sort to war stories identical to Louie’s.…
“My Diary: Documented. Done.” By L. Canale describes the journey of a girl whose father finds out that she is gay. Coming out is not something that you have to do once and its over; you have to come out to different people all the time. Canale’s coming out doesn’t go as planned. Her father finds out before she can tell him and he begins rejecting her right away. Not everyone’s coming out story is the same, and people in different aspects of someone’s life can take it differently. In Canale’s…
helped many children who needed it. Foster Care isn’t only a place for children to get out of a bad home life or situation. It is supposed to help them and protect them from all the hurt and pain they experienced. Sometimes, it helps the biological parents get their lives together so that they can properly raise their children. Other times it houses children who have been abandoned. With saying that our foster system has many flaws. If the Government is going to set an age limit on how long a…
Thesis Statement The state of California does not accommodate support services for the juveniles when they have become the legal age (18), social services should be provided to them to prevent them from becoming a continued case number in the criminal justice system. A juvenile is considered an adult at the age of 18 in California, once that child reaches that age those services that were originally provided to him/her will terminate. Those support services that were provided to them when they…
disregard for others. However, throughout their journey amongst the many islands of Greece, they learn to be more humble and they realize that life isn’t always about winning. Odysseus and his men learn to be humble by making mistakes, having bad consequences, and feeling pain. The mistakes made by Odysseus teach us that everybody is destined to blunder at some point in their life. The reader may think that Odysseus is a flawless warrior; however, his actions show how even the strongest of…