The trypan blue and differential fluorescence staining showed that the 30% vitamin D3 and retinoic acid had a higher density of differentiated cells and the gelatin zymography showed that those differentiated cells were monocytes which supported the hypothesis. Since the results have proved that the synergistic effect would be an effective monocytic chemical inducer of HL-60 cells, this method could be using in real life. These results are very important for the advancement of the differentiation therapy because now doctors will have an option to produce monocytic differentiation in their patients with bad allergies, by using the synergistic effect of vitamin D3 and retinoic acid, instead of using just retinoic acid to produce granulocytic differentiation, which is linked to allergic reactions (9). This will make the recovery process for patients with bad allergies more…
These are cells which can exhibit the process of cellular differentiation, which essentially can allow them to transform from one type of cell to another. They are found naturally in the human body in 3 places: Bone marrow, Adipose tissue, and Blood. In addition, they can be taken from the umbilical cord, foetus and the embryo of unborn babies. Each of these stem cells is different, but the embryonic stem is the most versatile, and can be manipulated for greatest effect. Now that there is a…
They are immortal cells, until they induce differentiation using chemical reagents such as retinoic acid. After differentiation, they are no longer immortal. Retinoic acid is derived from Vitamin A, and can induce granulocytes. We are going to test whether exposure of longer time to retinoic acid will induce greater percent of granulocytic differentiation. To test viability, we are going to use trypan blue and then we are going to perform May-Grunwald Staining Protocol to view cells…
form of cell type with specialized functions and attributes. The two basic characteristics of stem cells are that they renew themselves by cellular division, this is possible even if they remain dormant and inactive for prolonged periods of time and under clinical or experimental conditions they…
intervention from a third party. This paper will review the biology of a fracture and how stem cells and ossification processes coordinate with indirect and direct fracture healing of the bone. ______________________________________________________________________________ Introduction Bone is a living tissue in the body that has functions for organ protection, posture, movement, calcium levels, and is vital in blood cell formation. When a fracture is detected by the body, acute inflammatory…
be transplanted into patients. The in vivo approach involves transplanting cells, either unaided, or in combination with a biomaterial scaffold, to create a local niche at the site of injury from where the cells could influence muscle regeneration either by integrating into the host tissue or by stimulating the body's own regenerative mechanisms to promote new tissue formation. The type of cells that would be used for muscle tissue engineering are called satellite cells which are multipotent…
Many of the tasks that multi-cellular organisms perform are truly inspiring, from embryogenesis to organogenesis and other developmental processes. Developmental biology covers some of the most interesting procedures of the formation and transformation of living beings. One question in particular that sparked my interest in the vast field is how certain species of animals are able to completely reform a limb after it has been entirely severed. Such a feat is completely and utterly astonishing.…
after long period of inactivity.(Self Renewal) • Under certain condition these cells can be develop into tissue or organ specific cells with specialized function .For example cells in bone marrow and gut always develop cells to repair and replace worn out and damaged tissues while cells in the heart and pancreas differentiate into under special conditions. In which ways can one control/trigger stem cell differentiation? Stem cell differentiation is very important factor for organismal…
dental papilla, odontoblasts, dental pulp, cementum, periodontal ligaments, and chondrocytes (Chai, fate of mammalian). Adult SCs have been identified in tissues including skin, intestine, liver, brain, and bone marrow. An adult SC can divide and create another cell like itself, as well as a more differentiated cell. However the capacity for differentiation into other cell types is limited and is known as being multipotent. Multipotency is a unique feature of adult SCs compared with the…
more work, because adult stem cells are more flexible than embryonic stem cells. This is backed up by scientific finding by Medical Doctor Guan-Jong Chen, “Adult stem cells are much harder for scientists to work with because they are more difficult to extract and culture than their embryonic counterparts. Stem cells not only are hard to find in adult tissue, but scientists also have difficulty getting them to replicate in the laboratory.” (Chen). Being more flexible the adult stems would be…