Censorship in the People's Republic of China

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    Totalitarian China

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    The world has observed some of the greatest balance of powers in history between countries that have dominated economically and politically. The People’s Republic of China (of which will be referred to as its conventional short form China) has remained powerful for an extensive period of time, having a far-reaching impact on the political and economic atmospheres of the world. China has seen a vast history, especially during the Communist era and the former leader Chairman Mao Zedong, founder of the PRC. Although China has been referred to as an authoritarian state under Mao, it is clear that a more accurate label would be a totalitarian state. However, when China under Mao is compared to contemporary China, China is no longer the same totalitarian…

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    end of the Chinese Communist Revolution in 1949, Republic of China (ROC), also known as Taiwan, and mainland China, People’s Republic of China (PRC) had been in a state of conflict for the rightful control of the nation. The Nationalist party that retreated to ROC had established a new democracy and had the political recognition as China until 1979 when PRC was recognized as the official political head by the United States and most countries. The Taiwanese democracy provided many constitutional…

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    During the first half of the 20th Century, numerous countries were attracted to communism in various parts of the world. Two such countries are the former Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. Due to historic and geographic reasons, they have played important roles in the economy and politics on a world scale. In terms of area, the USSR was the world’s largest country and it occupies almost one-sixth of the Earth’s land surface. China occupies almost the entire East Asian landmass…

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    Censorship, or the act of restricting the expression of certain dissenting or non-sanctioned views, represents a profound problem in many countries throughout the world. Although all governments arguably employ this tactic to an extent, some undoubtedly have a habit of suppressing their people more than others. China stands as a prime example of one such country. Denying any semblance of free speech to its 1.3 billion people, China’s various restrictions on expression, specifically in regards…

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    Google In China Case Study

    • 8004 Words
    • 33 Pages

    phones in use in China and that number was projected to grow by about 57 million annually.21 Before choosing to launch Google.cn, Google was already a player in this Chinese market. Since the site’s inception in 1999, U.S.-based Google.com had been available to Chinese users as it had been to users worldwide. Unlike its major U.S. competitors, though, Google did not rush to set up a China-based version of its search engine, and thus to acquiesce to government censorship regulations, as had…

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    Persecuted In China Essay

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    In China there are currently 500,000 people being detained without charge or trial. China also holds the most executions out of any country in the world. Though the exact number of executions is classified by the state, but an estimate of 3,000 executions were made in 2014 alone (AmnestyUSA.org & Telegraph.co.uk). Ever since the Communist Party of China took control of the government in 2012, the Chinese government has locked down on citizen’s rights and violating their privacy. Those who speak…

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    Mao Zedong is revered by many as the ‘founding father of modern China’, with his legacy being not only physically but metaphorically embalmed. However, many, particularly in the West, question this reverence in so far as he halted economic and political progress in China via tumultuous campaigns such as the Great Leap Forward. In order to consider if Mao's importance in Chinese history has been exaggerated, his significance needs to be assessed. Looking at Mao's the impact of his policies at the…

    • 1914 Words
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    for Reducing HIV Rates among MSM in China After reviewing these initiatives for reducing HIV rates, it is clear that each one has its own clear key component that contributed to its success. Specifically, these components included Uganda’s intensely spread information campaign, HHKIU’s culturally sensitive approach, and Thailand’s community empowerment campaign. In order to create the most effective strategy against the increasing rate of HIV in China, it is recommended that all three of these…

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    spread the seed of false hope to gain support of their people and later use that to forge a national identity. In effort to coerce everyone into participating in the nationalist movement, brutal consequences are strictly enforced upon those who do not conform. Mao Zedong of the People’s Republic of China, Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, and Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany are the three political figures that embody this idea. Mao Zedong seeks to strengthen his Communist state, now known as the…

    • 1365 Words
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    During the early 1900s, two separate nations were experiencing a revolution. The Russian Revolution began in 1917 as a result of the people’s dissatisfaction with the czar. Czar Nicholas II was overthrown by his subjects when he decided to enter World War I, despite Russia being unprepared to fight its powerful and industrialized enemies. Communist leaders within Russia soon started to gain more control. A similar event occurred in China in 1911, when revolutionaries overthrew the Qing Dynasty.…

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