order to find out which campaign performed at a higher level the central tendency and the variability of the responses must be examined. After an examination it is clear that one campaign outperformed the other. But, with these results comes some questions about how and why these campaigns performed at such different rates. This small look at campaign rates is just a quick interpretation of basic statistics. Measures of Central Tendency There are three forms of central tendency’s which are used to describe the center set of the data. These…
The summative assignment I reviewed was incredible! I can’t believe a student was able to do that. I guess with a lot of dedication and effective use of class time can do that. For the next two and a half months I will have to use extremely good use of my class time. For this class time to be used effectively, I will have to do multiple things. This includes no distractions. I would need to focus on the work at hand, and not the people around me. I need to focus on myself so that I can strive to…
I have learned that my tendency to stay quiet helps me to play the role of an observant, but at the same it jeopardizes my ability to interact with other people. Thus, I need to be aware about my tendency of drifting away from people in order to connect with others. True Colors. During the true colors activity, learned that as a yellow member, I tend to follow rules, respect authority and remain focus on the task at hand. When I was paired up with other people who were also yellow and asked to…
Test 1: Are you type A? I scored 99 points on the first test, which categorises me as personality type B1. I believe this places me in an area that is not a hard-core type B, and allows me to display some soft type A attributes. I am a punctual person, preferring to be on time and meet deadlines, I do not obsess over time and can take time off for leisurely pursuits without feeling overwhelming guilt. With this, it may mean a tendency to procrastinate, and this tends to shorten the timelines…
For my change project, I have decided to focus on individual change as opposed to organizational change because at this time I am not involved in an organization. After deep consideration and self-reflection, I have decided to write about time/self-management and how it will help me achieve my goal of attaining a business degree by the end of 2018. At the beginning of last year, I decided to dedicate myself to school and learning with the hope of being successful in the business world. To do…
compared to his strengths, but could still be fixed. Once I develop a better relationship with him, I may feel confident enough to mention the flaws I’ve noticed to him. I’m sure he’s already been told once or twice in his military career, but constructive criticism never hurts to be repeated. The one strength to my Shirt’s public speaking that I can relate to the most is the ability to command a room. The few times I have been given the floor to speak in public, I spoke with confidence and kept…
I’d like to begin this reflective essay by airing out that I’ve never had the same affinity for reading and writing that I do for the sciences. Early in my education I struggled with them. However, during my high school experience I believe I’ve developed the requisite talents needed to be – at least somewhat – proficient in the aforementioned areas. With regards to reading, my largest problems have come from my tendency to lose focus, and most of my writing issues were caused by not knowing…
This movie shows how groups vary in communication skills. Larger groups tend to have a more complex way of communicating. Members in larger groups usually have less opportunities to voice their thoughts and opinions. Throughout this movie I observed how a group of jurors, 12 men, communicated with each other to determine the fate of an 18 year old accused young man. This movie perfectly portrayed the different stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, and performing. In the…
However, most of America’s political culture has been formed by the individual political opinions of each American citizen and a common political culture is not defined by all Americans thinking in the same way. Although tracking trends of political culture can be difficult, it is important to realize that there is no “typical American” or the same beliefs for every citizens. Different aspects of human life such as family, gender, and religion have had a significant effect on the overall themes…
As the world of technology continues to progress in an exponential rate, portable technologies such as laptops, tablets, phones, etc. continue to become more accessible to students due to their decrease in cost and size. With greater accessibility and affordable prices, universities across the globe have seen a giant influx of laptops among their classes across various disciplines. In a class like CCT109, there is no need for laptops as the lectures are often discussion oriented rather than…