Bordetella pertussis is a very contagious disease in the upper respiratory system. It is known to cause whopping cough, or pertussis, an acute respiratory infection marked by spasmodic cough episodes. It is caused by the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis, and attaches to the lining of the airways, humans are its only host. It is characterized by fits of coughing that are so severe that you can’t stop or catch your breath. Although people of all ages can become infected with this disease, it is mild for adults. Young infants are at the highest risk for this disease, the greatest majority of fatal cases in the United States each year is infants under six months of age who have not been vaccinated. This bacteria is slow-growing, and one media used to cultivate it is charcoal agar with supplements. The plates containing Bordetella pertussis incubates for up to five days and is a gram-negative bacteria, colonies are small, shiny, and round. It is transmitted by the inhalation of bacteria when a person that is infected with the disease coughs or sneezes, and droplets are spread into the air and breathed into the lungs of anyone who is near.…
100 Days of Horror with Bordetella Pertussis by Isabella Theamaree Fortun Bordetella pertussis is a fimbriated Gram-negative, pleomorphic, aerobic coccobacillus. It also has a surface associated microcapsule however the role of this is unknown. Bordetella species, in general, grow best at 35° to 37° C. 1 Their growth is fastidious, and this degree of fastidiousness is inversely proportional to its rate of growth.1 Among all Bordetella species, Bordetella pertussis is the most…
Bordetella Pertussis Just like the flu, pertussis is one of the many communicable disease that has recently broke out, causing numerous amounts of deaths and infections of the American people. “ Annually, more than 50 million cases of pertussis, including 600,000 deaths are reported worldwide”(Center for Biotechnology, Anna University). Pertussis is very contagious, the bacterial disease is also known as “whooping cough”. Whooping Cough is a upper respiratory infection…
Pertussis (whooping cough) was endemic in Wisconsin for a significant long time, especially in the more populated southeastern region. Evidently, pertussis spoke to around 170 cases each year in the state and caused nearly nothing, separated groups in different regions. Before 2004, M and W zones (coterminously arranged inside the southeastern area) touched base at the midpoint of 34 and 15 pertussis cases for consistently, independently. In spite of the way that M and W areas were not affected,…
contagious B. pertussis which is a gram negative microbe. The infection is spread by the cough of the infected to the respiratory tract of uninfected. Droplets of the cough attach and damage the individual’s ciliated respiratory epithelium. The bacteria have surface proteins that attach to the cilia, called pertactin and filamentous hemagglutinnin. Once these proteins attach to the cilia it is difficult to remove the bacteria and the proteins also produce toxins. The toxins destroy the…
Bordetella pertussis, also known as whooping cough is a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory system. Symptoms range from that of a common cold too short periods of apnea and in extreme cases death. Pertussis is a highly contagious disease that can affect anyone but is more common in children and in infants. Although this disease is preventable and treatable it is currently and continually on the rise. The whooping cough is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. B.…
Infectious Disease: Pertussis Bria Walker University of Missouri-Kansas City Pertussis is an upper respiratory tract infectious disease, which is severely contagious. Also known as the whooping cough. Bordetella Pertussis is the known bacteria that causes the infection. This bacteria irritates the airway causing it to swell. The swelling of the airway presents in an uncontrollable cough and difficult breathing. Each deep breath that is taken, it is said that you can hear a whooping sound;…
Name of Disease Pertussis, also commonly called Whooping Cough Description of Disease (taxonomic classification, and picture of pathogen Pertussis aka Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis from the Betaproteobacteria class and Alcaligenaceae family Scientists have found eight species in the Bordetella genus, and of those eight, three of them are known to be pathogenic to humans. The most common are B. pertussis and B.…
Annually, about 195,000 deaths result from the estimated 16 million cases of pertussis, or whooping cough, worldwide. In the United States the numbers are significantly smaller due to the availability and development of the pertussis vaccine with an annual 10,000 to 40,000 reported cases and up to 20 deaths (Pertussis in Other Countries). Although a vaccine exists, there are still many cases of whooping cough and far more that go unreported. Precautions are being pushed onto infants all the way…
Bordetella pertussis is a bacterium that causes disease of the respiratory tract in humans, commonly known as whooping cough. Usually catarrhal symptoms occur within 7-20 days of contact with the pertussis bacterium. The disease typically develops in three stages: Catarrhal - Non specific symptoms similar to that of a common cold. Includes a sore throat, rhinorrhea and cough. this usually lasts for two weeks. Spasmodic - Recurring coughing episodes that may result in facial discolouration…