Repercussions for engineers working for Union Carbide in Bhopal and consequences for Union Carbide following Bhopal disaster. In 3 December 1984 there was a gas tragedy in Bhopal, the capital of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. People around the city were in chaotic motion all trying to escape the toxic gas cloud that resulted from the gas leakage from the plant owned by the Union Carbide Corporation that its aim was to produce Methyl Isocyanate, toxic constituent of pesticide Sevin. It was suspected that it was due to the faulty maintenance, ignorance and negligence of the engineers and the management who were working in this plant. According to the nature of this tragedy the blame can be put on the managing director, Janannath Mukund,…
Bhopal India 1984 On the night of the 2nd of December 1984 tragedy struck in Bhopal, India killing an estimated 20,000 people. It began with a pesticide plant by Union Carbide. Union Carbide had diversified into India via Union Carbide India Limited. They had suspected that India was an enormous market that was yet to be tapped into and discovered. At the time UCC was one of the first companies to invest into India (Union Carbide Corporations). The plan was to sell their pesticide “Sevin” to…
Small Perils Lead to Great Losses Introductions People sometimes ignore things, which they regarded as unimportant. However, these trifles may cause people great losses before they realize it. In this paper, we will mainly talk about three cases, one is Bhopal India Gas Tragedy, one is Asian financial Crisis, and the other is Fed’s stock crash in 1987. These three cases had some similarities, all of which had some potential perils ahead of the disasters. For example, Union Carbide India Limited…
The explosion of the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in Bhopal, India on December 2, 1984 will remain one of the worst industrial calamities the world has seen. The official death count at the time of the incident was nearly 3000 deaths, but unofficial estimates hovered between 8000 – 10000 deaths (Bogart, 1989). This multifaceted case presents a unique challenge to critique the ethical dilemma in regards to Union Carbide’s legal strategy in response to the situation. The purpose…
On December 3rd 1984, Bhopal experienced one of the worst chemical plant disasters recorded in history. A gas leak from the Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) chemical plant of methyl isocyanate (MIC) contaminated the air and caused the almost immediate death of over 8000 people and the injury of over 200 000. One of the main concerns surrounding the disaster was the aftermath. Not only the aftermath of the people of Bhopal, but also the aftermath of the engineers and employees working for Union…
Union Carbide Disaster in Bhopal - India The impact(s) of this incident. The Union Carbide Catastrophe is one of the world’s devastating and life-threatening events, which have claimed for many lives of people and it is reported that it continues to today. Based on the play, the Union Carbide Catastrophe is a 33 years incident that happened in Bhopal India on 4th December 1984; released nearly 40 tons of highly toxic gas or poisonous gases known as methyl isocyanate. According to the play, at…
In 1984 on the night of the second of December the Bhopal plant emitted 42 tonnes of methyl isocyanate gas exposing to more than 500,000 people and killing around 5,000 people. The clean-up of this disaster was insufficient and people are still being affected by the leakage. Methyl isocyanate gas also known as MIC is a clear liquid used to make pesticides, when exposed to the gas it brings the same effects as tear gas. Some of the effects that people went through were swelling and burning of…
Potentially, there have been many hazardous instances where engineers were scrutinized for their actions due to lack of ethical considerations. One of the most destructive case is the world’s worst industrial disaster: Bhopal Gas Tragedy. The trail of this tragedy began in the city of Bhopal located in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The night of December 2, 1984 was nothing out of the ordinary and seemed like any other winter night of central India but it was superficial. An industrial mishap of…
Before I discuss how utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics would respond to what took place, I am first going to briefly describe the situation. “While most of the population slept during the night of December 3, 1984, a toxic cloud of over forty tons of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas escaped from the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, central India. Heavier than air, the gas blanketed the slums surrounding the facility and spread over the city of 800,000 people. At least 2,000 died…
measures to prevent such disasters. Safety equipments should be installed, workers should be educated to tackle such situations, take appropriate precautions. Loudspeakers should be installed in the factory to issue timely warnings in case of any such incident. Roadmap The judgment given by the honorable Supreme Court is partly correct. The analysis given below gives a detailed interpretation of the judgment explaining how the judgment allowing to restart the plant is apt , how the judgment…