Biblical hermeneutics

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    Pneuma and Logos: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Hermeneutics, was the PhD dissertation of Dr. John W Wyckoff in the year 1990. In this dissertation, he displays a scholarly approach in portraying the integral part and as well as analyze other doctrinal perspectives that discount the need of the Holy Spirit in the interpretation of the Holy Bible. The book has been distributed over five distinct chapters where each chapter takes a related and structured projection of the theological soundness. In its content are the historical account of the approach that many key Bible scholars had adopted in their approach and understanding of the Holy Spirit’s role in interpretation of the Bible. As a response to the question asked in the book,…

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    Womanist biblical hermeneutics also focus on the matter of the Bible’s authority as sacred canon and illustrate ways that Black women are suspicious about the Bible’s authority. Douglas underscores how biblical discourse is shaped by the complicated realities of the persons conducting them. Additionally, she emphasizes that the texts, way we read those texts and authority that we give the Bible are informed by who we are as embodied beings. Thus, her scholarship reflects that neither can…

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    view of his work within my dissertation. In this article, Mortimer discusses the work of Edward Said and the continuation of his concepts in the works of Algerian novelist Assia Djebar. He offers a contrapuntal reading of Said and Djebar, ultimately addressing the Maghrebian colonial experience which is an area which Said does not cover in Orientalism. This article is a valuable resource as it offers a critique of Said and deals with postcolonial gender/feminist studies and case studies…

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    Amidst the dilution and misinterpretation of Scripture in this day and age, J. Todd Billings’ take on how Scripture should be interpreted was utterly refreshing, although extremely repetitive. It is obvious in the first chapter that Billings is in the Trinitarian soteriology camp. He emphasizes constantly throughout his book that reading and interpreting biblical text without the guidance of the Holy Spirit is futile and useless. He uses numerous examples on how Scripture should be read and…

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  • Improved Essays

    In “Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical Studies,” the author Phyllis Trible mentions about the feminist exists in the Hebrew Scripture. He states that since people are born and bred in the times of patriarchy for a long time, Bible “abounds” in male imagery and language (Phyllis 1). Because of this, interpreters shape the contours, articulate theology, content of the church, and instruct human beings with this male language. However, with the influence of feminism in the past decades, people…

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  • Improved Essays

    Janice Anderson Feminism

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    According to Janice Anderson, the definition of feminism is “the affirmation…of our right and ability to construct, and take responsibility for, our gendered identity, our politics, and our choices” (Anderson, 105). A feminist approach to biblical studies can help reconstruct women’s identities in the text and see how the identity of the reader is affected by the way women are portrayed. Analyzing the ways in which women are excluded from the text and identifying the construction of gender are…

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  • Improved Essays

    Biography Dr. Robert L. Plummer is an Associate Professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, School of Theology. Plummer has a B. A. from Duke University, Ph. D from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and additional studies from Jerusalem University College. He has written 1 book, co-written 4 more books, and has written/commented on many biblical articles. His latest book, written in 2010 is called 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible (40…

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  • Improved Essays

    2012; Savin-Baden & Major, 2013). The lived experience of an individual is revealed by how one perceives and makes sense of an event, process or object (Finlay, 2012). The approach has its origins in the work of Husserl, who emphasises the importance and relevance of focusing on human experience and its perception, rather than the formulation of an objective account (Smith et al., 2013). Later developing this work, Heidegger, a student and admirer of Husserl’s, introduced a hermeneutic…

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    Interpretation: a word that can bring forth a swarm of emotions from any person that believes that his or her understanding is the truth. From experience, interpreting any form of work, whether it be literary or art, often causes controversy with conflicting opinions. One person may say that a painting looks like a black rectangle, another may say it represents the doorway to hell. In the history of Christianity, there has been many conflicts and differing opinions about how to interpret the…

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    QP engaged Maunica into participating in a CBT activity geared towards stressors. QP explained to Maunica that the activity will help her increase her awareness of personal stressors and emotional physical and behavioral symptoms of stress. QP explained to Maunica what physical, emotional and behavioral stress are and provided an example of each. QP provided Maunica with a worksheet in which she had to indicate if any of the statements true to her. QP brainstormed with Maunica irritants that…

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