The Atomic Age. The time period after the development of the first nuclear bomb. In 1938 research begins and the race to whom can create the first nuclear, or "atomic" weapon, is underway. Not long after nuclear physicist Niels Bojr declares that German scientists had achieved atomic fission, but the United States where not far behind. Germany may have won the race, but their efforts became futile once Hitler began persecuting the Jewish scientists. These scientists then escaped to the U.S., bringing all their knowledge, and giving the United States a leg up on the competition. 1942, research continues under the name "The Manhattan Project". Facilities began to grow and government funds poured into the project. By 1945 the first tested atomic bomb was created and the "Atomic Age" had arrived. Along with the first atomic bomb came the end of the second world war. During war time…
The transition into the atomic age began in the early 1900s, when scientists began researching the atom. In 1938 they discovered something called fission, the process of splitting an atom. Due to the second world war breaking out the research of atoms eventually turned to the research of weapons. A few of the leading countries in the race for an atomic weapon were Germany, the United States, and the Soviet Union. After several years of research the U.S. developed and tested the first atomic bomb…
changes we see in substances are just the atoms moving. Democritus said that the shape of the atoms give substances different properties. Democritus’ work, however, did not survive through the Middle Ages. Democritus had no real evidence to prove his theory, but he was close to the truth about atoms. In the year 1803, John Dalton contributed to the Atomic Theory. He came up with his own theory of atoms after researching pressures of gases. Dalton’s theory included that all matter is made of…
In Memory of John Dalton 1766-1844 John dalton,son of Joseph and Deborah dalton, he had one brother named Jonathan no sisters.John dalton lived and worked in England as a teacher and a public lecture.He wa very interested in meteorology for the longest.He published meteorological observations and essays which he recorded.He did so many things, he made his own atomic theory he was also was very interested in color blindness.His serious interest in this led him to the view of atomism. Between…
The basis of Mendeleev’s periodic table was categorizing the elements according to their physical and chemical characteristics with regard to their atomic weights. Mendeleev was the first to come up with a structure for the periodic table with columns and rows. There were other scientists who have worked on tabulating information of the elements even before Mendeleev, however, he was the first scientist to come up with a periodic trend to predict the properties of elements which were not…
In today’s day and age, plastic surgery is extremely popular, especially breast augmentations. About 4% of women in America get breast augmentation each year. One of the options for breast augmentation is silicon implants. That being said I wanted to learn more about silicon and what people are putting in their bodies. Silicon is an element a pure substance that can’t be broken down. Silicon was first discovered in 1824 by a Swedish chemist named Jons Jacob Berzelius. This element is the second…
In his book, The Dumbest Generation, Mark Bauerlein claims that those who constitute the population of individuals under the age of thirty are members of the “dumbest generation”. He even goes to such an extreme as saying, “You guys don’t know anything,” (Bauerlein). However, is this not true? In today’s society, the students in the education system have gone from genuinely attempting to learn subject matter to simply just caring about letter grades and percentages, rather than retaining the…
constantly critique yourself in the harshest and most merciless manner possible, maybe you should tell your inner critic to go "Take a hike." So Much to Prove It is no secret that in the writing world “Young” translates to inexperienced. This is probably why young writers try their hardest to maintain an image of professionalism. Perhaps, it will provide a foundation for opportunity, or maybe just make us appear a few years older than we actually are. I’ll go ahead and admit, I’m seventeen years…
of Child To begin, I observe a five-year-old preschooler. She is in Kindergarten, but this is not her first year of school she has been going to school since the age of three. She began at a daycare than to preschool and now she is in Kindergarten. Her name is Jennifer Dolores Munoz, her Birthday is on August 17 and she was born in the year of 2011. She is five years of age and sixty-three months years old. She weighs 46 pounds and is 56 inches tall. Jennifer’s eye color are hazel and her hair…
YOUNGER AGE GROUP 2) Social Interactions/ Development : EJ : Male: Birthday ( 6/3/2015) EJ a 15 months child seem to be very reserved . He is seen sitting in the corner of the classroom away from his classmates. Therefore, he does not interact much with any of the other children , but rather seeks teh attention of the teachers. When he does not get the attention , he walks away and play s witha toy car. He is participating in solitary play. Solitary play refers to playing alone , without…