We are expected to discover new things about ourselves and our morality by using the online simulation titled, “Should You Kill The Fat Man?” By navigating through a scenario involving a runaway train and an evil fat man, the user of the simulation should finish the scenario feeling as if they learned something new about themselves. To begin, the answer four preliminary questions that establish our morality, and the extremes we will go to in order to make the best decision. Next, the simulation describes a scenario in which a runaway train has the potential to kill people. As the user of the situation, we are faced with many questions and options regarding who the train should kill, if we should torture the man who cut the brakes, and how many…
Ninety percent of Hiroshima was destroyed as was large amounts of Nagasaki. There wouldn’t have been much useable land left even if there hadn’t been radiation left behind. There wouldn’t have been people around to use it anyway as 275,000 people died directly as a result of the two bombs over a period of five years after they were dropped. One bomb should have been enough to get a surrender from the Japaneses military if used. It is not surprising that they surrendered after both were used. The…
to create the first atomic bomb. Since its inception in 1939, scientists had struggled to find a way to harness the power of fission. Through the combined efforts of many scientists, a test bomb known as "Fat Boy" was finally created. On July 16, 1945, in a desert in New Mexico, the world’s first nuclear test, codenamed Trinity, was conducted and ushered in the Atomic Age. The Trinity test success led to the creation of two more atomic bombs that would be used in WWII. On August 6, 1945, the…
The Bomb and its Effects At the time it was being built they didn’t quite know what to make it out of. They ended up building it out of a plutonium core. In order to make the bomb go off they had to have fission occur . Of course to have this happen, you need a large space. Thus the nickname “Fat Man” . Fat Man got its nickname for a good reason, because it weighed over 10,000 pounds, was about 130 inches long, and had a diameter of close to 60 inches (3). When the bomb detonated it would have…
The Manhattan Project was a project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. It all started when Einstein found out the Germans were working on a new and more powerful weapon for war. Einstein wrote a letter to the president which helped initiate the effort to build an atomic bomb. In December 1941 the government launched the Manhattan project. The project was originally named Development of Substitute Materials. It included over 30 different research and production…
On 1942, December 7 the Japanese navy launched a surprise attack on Pearl harbour, Hawaii. This then led to the United States idea of creating the atomic bomb. Before the creation of the atomic bomb there were around 255,000 people living in the city of Hiroshima and 240,000 in Nagasaki. When finally ready to drop the bomb the US asked Paul Tibbets to be the pilot of the B-29 loaded with the bomb. An atomic bomb is a bomb which was designed to cause mass destruction and be able to start wars.…
World War II was a testing ground for weapons the world had never seen before, with the most powerful weapons being the two atomic bombs dropped by the United States. The two bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man, were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively (“Avalon Project”). These bombs powered by nuclear fission caused destruction on a scale that had never been seen before. The bombs developed during the Manhattan Project were created in order to end the fighting of World War II. The bombs…
militarized form were the Chairman of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), Dr. Vannevar Bush and the Chairman of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), Dr. James B. Conant (Groves xvi). The man behind the purpose was Dr. Arthur H. Compton, a Nobel Prize winner for his new discovery, the Compton Effect, which was the way that cosmic waves react, was the head scientist of the Chicago campus study team (Groves xvi). He stated that the purpose of the research was to…
to use the atomic bomb was the most difficult decision in his life. On May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered, but war with Japan prolonged. Time and time again, Japan proved its unrelenting strength and unshaken determination. Each battle was a life and death struggle. Japan fought relentlessly to virtually every last man and refused to surrender unconditionally. The total strength of the Japanese Army was estimated to be around 5,000,000 troops. To plan such an attack on Japan may cause the United…
On August 6th and 9th, 1945, about 80,000 Japanese civilians and soldiers were brutally killed in an instant by two American-made atomic bombs. Years of horrendous fallout would then follow in the wake of two of the worst man-made disasters of all time. This was the work of the many people who contributed to the Manhattan Project, which Julius Oppenheimer was chiefly involved. As the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico, Julius was instrumental in the development of the world’s…