Part I: Write one (1) essay from your choice among the following three questions. Suggested length: 3-5 pages Although presidents have limited constitutional authority, many of them effectively use informal powers to realize major accomplishments. Write an essay in which you discuss the factors that constrain presidential power and those that enhance it. Do you think the nature of presidential power makes the American Presidency too weak or too strong? The President has a very strong position and powers that allow the president to accomplish many things. Despite the very limited constitutional authority, the president can manipulate the informal powers to reach goals. The effect of the President’s informal powers are far greater that they seem to be, and if used effectively, it can turn the tides of a major decision. In my opinion the nature of the Presidential power is naturally weak to prevent one person to have too much power, but with the use of informal powers, the president can be potentially the most powerful. According to the major job of the Executive Branch is to be “ responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet “. Aside form the major overview of the President’s powers, some of the formal powers include : Veto power, commanding the armed forces, pardoning power, appointment powers and creating treaties. All of the President 's…
The Articles of Confederation was a union between New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and the Providence Plantations. However, the Constitution was written for every state that was within or would become part of the Union. The Continental Congress agreed on the Articles of Confederation on November 15, 1777, and it was later ratified March 1, 1781. The Constitution of…
The Articles of Confederation was created on November 15, 1777. The Continental Congress created the Articles of Confederation to state the rules by which the new nation was to be governed. The states that agreed to adhere to the articles stated in the Articles of Confederation are New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantation, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The Articles of…
overthrew. The Founding Fathers drafted the Articles of Confederation. The articles were briefly used until citizens began to see its shortcomings. It was just a “firm league of friendship.” I will discuss some of the weaknesses in the Articles of the Confederation which were changed and some weaknesses in the United States Constitution. One weakness of The Articles of the Confederation, it did not establish an executive branch for the central government. No one was able to enforce any acts…
of rules. The set of rules and regulations we go by is called the Constitution. The constitution is what we look to when making decisions and making laws. Without the constitution the United States would be in total anarchy. The Articles of Confederation was the first basic constitution of the United States. The Articles of Confederation was written in Philadelphia at the Second Continental Congress in 1776(History,Articles of Confederation). The first draft of the articles was not used in the…
throughout the United States have gone back and forth with the idea that the Constitution was a stupid idea that was created into what the people follow and go by. Many say that even though it all sounds good and glory it is not. They say that the Constitution only has what everyone wants to hear not what they want and need. Well for those who say the Constitution was the biggest mistake that was ever made are wrong in so many ways. The Constitution has many things the Articles of Confederation…
How the Constitution Prevents Tyranny The United States Constitution prevents the “evil beast” known as tyranny in various ways. The United States Constitution embodies the fundamental laws and principles that every being that either lives in the United States or visits the United States must follow. Tyranny is also known as “The accumulation of all powers… in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many” which was quoted by James Madison in Federalist Paper number forty-seven. The previous…
Distinction of the U.S and Nevada Constitutions Xitlali Salas 1 A Comparison and Distinction of the United States and Nevada Constitutions As the foundations and frameworks for a government, constitutions play crucial roles in shaping the way a state and nation are run. While the Constitution of the United States outlines the way the federal government is run and act as the supreme law, each state has its own constitution to lay out the way its own government will run. It is important for the…
The Articles of Confederation were ratified in 1781 and contained many weakness that would be changed in The Constitution. One weakness of the The Articles of Confederation was that the States had too much power and there was not a powerful enough central government. Another issue The Constitution attempted to solve was that central government did not have enough power to tax. In both The Articles of Confederation and The Constitution, the States maintained some of the same powers. The…
independence against the British sparked a growing need for a stronger government. Therefore the Continental Congress drafted the Articles of Confederation in 1777. “The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution of the United States” (Give Me Liberty 249). Before the articles there had been no republican government of any kind. “The local loyalties outweighed national patriotism, and John Adams was quoted saying, we have no Americans in America” (Give Me Liberty 248). This…