One of the main themes of hospitality in the novel “The Odyssey” by Homer is observed by the god’s to be very important. During the novel hospitality is displayed by hosts to their guest in many ways. “The Odyssey” does a great job of presenting hospitality in excess, balance and deficit throughout the novel. This is achieved by the house of Alcinous being the representation of excess of hospitality, the houses of Nestor and Menelaus being the balance of hospitality, while the suitors represent the deficit of hospitality. Thus, causes each group of people to be dealt with accordingly by the gods. Alcinous is the king of the Phaeacians. His daughter Nausicaa had found Odysseus washed up at sea one morning and decided to take him back to…
In the Odyssey, Odysseus is a character whose traits affect the plotline rather substantially, including the clever ways he uses his hospitality, as well as the negative impacts of his arrogance. Odysseus’ sense of hospitality helped him out of a bad situation when he, extended his “friendship” to the Cyclops and offered him wine when they found themselves trapped inside Polyphemus’s cave. He uses this to manipulate Polyphemus into a false sense of security, the Cyclops going so far as to tell…
Hospitality was a law set by the gods which the Trojans and the Greeks followed strictly. Moreover, it was regarded as a tradition and custom in the Greek society. In Iliad, the author has used the theme of hospitality in various instances. For instance, Achilles portrays the aspect of hospitality by letting Priam give his son Hector some peace and a good Trojan funeral. Further, the Trojans show hospitality by allowing the Greeks to bury Patroclus and mourn his death for twelve years.…
In ancient Greece, hospitality it is an unspoken rule of their culture. This theme of respect for both host and guest is carried throughout Homer’s The Odyssey. Hospitality was the glue that held Greece together, seeing as it (in retrospect) maintained order among the Greeks from different regions. The Greeks used the term “Xenia” as a way to describe the generosity or courtesy shown to strangers, no matter the condition, and creating a relationship between guest and host. It is postulated…
readers can often find that one of the major themes in the reading is hospitality. Hospitality gives this work the essence of how in ancient times taking care and respecting the guest was important in the society. Most of the books in this epic covers this theme, beginning from the main characters to the ones that are not so relevant. Homer, the author of the book, considered that hospitality is important not only in ancient society for also for modern society, and even thought time goes, such…
Prompt #1 Hospitality is a very common and reoccurring topic in the book of Genesis, but it is represented in unusual ways. In the story of “Sodom and Gomorrah”, and old man says to his guests “let me bring them to you (his daughters), and you may do to them as you please” (Genesis 19:8). Lot, the father, is simply trying to be hospitable, but today we read this and think how could someone do this? Personally, I am willing to consider this as a very extreme version of hospitality, but I still…
Affirming Strengths Essay On, I completed the StrengthsQuest assessment and discovered my five themes: Restorative, Input, Developer, Futuristic and Empathy. At first, I was unsure if the results of the assessment would encompass me, but I do feel that I embody a large portion of my themes. In “My Signature Themes”, a downlodable PDF description of my themes, Restorative describes a problem solver- someone who enjoys fixing or reviving things. Initially, I did not see myself…
The novel, "The Hunger games" composed by Susanna Collins entertains the reader by displaying powerful and confronting themes throughout the futuristic and barbaric setting, the narrative text of, the main character, Katniss Everdeen 's inner thoughts and feelings. Collins presents significant themes throughout about the challenges tributes face and the struggle to survive, the courage the tributes gain outside and inside the arena as well as the control The Capitol has over Panem and the…
Maya Angelou writes I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings to inform the reader about how rough growing up as a “Unattractive” black child was. She writes the book using the themes of family, race to appearance, and the resistance toward racism that is shown multiple different time. She also uses multiple different symbols throughout the story like the store or the easter dress that her “Momma” makes her to support her themes. Maya supports her themes with the beautiful, intense writing styles that…
A Man of Fear or of Will? What better way to summarize the themes of Macbeth than through a movie where the themes are apparent not just through words but also through actions and appearance? Justin Kurtzel the director of the latest movie adaptation of Macbeth is charged with making the play enjoyable to watch while still maintaining most of the play’s original dialogue and meaning. Through his choices in the scene of the murder of Duncan he has maintained the original theme of the play.…