original anglo-american elite. The melting pot theory saw difference as an impediment to American greatness and hoped to eliminate the features of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe which did not correspond to traditional protestant ethic. Therefore Americanization was a thinly veiled attempt to impose cultural hegemony and reproduce the ruling order, in addition to eradicating the often populist and radical sentiments of immigrants. Cultural pluralism was an intellectual movement that countered this hegemonic narrative by framing cultural differences as assets to America and essential to its development. Pluralism…
differences. In his essay, Models of American Ethnic Relations: A Historical Perspective, author George M. Fredrickson labels 4 cultural interactions that have occurred when people of different ethnic backgrounds have interacted throughout American History: Ethnic Hierarchy, One-Way Assimilation, Cultural Pluralism, and Group Separation. Through Fredrickson’s outlining of each model, we are able to identify the benefits and disadvantages that each model possesses and the effect they have on…
What is cultural pluralism? To me, it is not only a variety of cultures grown in one atmosphere but also the internal affect between different cultures. Cultures are interesting, because every culture has its own habit, history and meaning. From my point, I really like living in a multicultural atmosphere because cultural pluralism could bring creativity, diversity and tolerance. In a multicultural atmosphere, people will become more creative. To become more creative which means to create…
Social welfare is a career that focuses on the wellbeing of a person. Guided by a personal and cultural approach, the role of a social worker is to deal with social and economic injustice, the elimination of poverty and the enhancement of life. Thus, three factors that has influence my understanding of social welfare is the cultural pluralism model, the strengthening perspective and the effects of language because it highlights the roles and ethics of a social worker. One factor that has…
People are agents of change and it is this change that is viewed as progress which can be in the form of economic growth, cultural pluralism, or sustainable development for example. Schweder values progress in the form of cultural pluralism which looks at how humanity views progress and that growth should not be the way progress is defined. “Pluralism does not imply the rejection of the ideas of progress and decline, [instead] progress means having more and more of something that is ‘desirable’…
A critical review of Troy Sarina and Russell D. Lansbury’s article, “Flying high and low? Strategic choice and employment relations in Qantas and Jetstar.” Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (2013) 51, pp.437–453. Examining Sarina and Lansbury’s (2013) article on the two airline Qantas and Jetstar, it is seen that the conducted study concerns the strategic choices that the airlines adopted in relation to the changing factors that affected the aviation industry. This research aims to…
Globalization/ pg. 29: Is the breaking down of national boundaries because of advances in communications, trade, and travel. The United States is one of the biggest countries that has the issue of child labor. There are children all ages who have to do extremely difficult work for very little pay. This is a huge problem in the world that most people just look past. For the people that child labor effects however, it makes life very difficult which is how it relates to globalization. Families…
different approach if I analyzed a different bioethics issue (e.g. the scope of the doctor-patient relationship). What led me to this conclusion is my former statement. More specifically, there is not a single theory that has all of the answers to answer moral problems. Deontology focuses on actions, utilitarianism focuses on consequences and narrative ethics focuses on attending to an individual’s voice (and sometimes multiple individuals). Furthermore, sometimes rules are wrong. An action is…
The Post-colonial State and Cultural Pluralism The second dimension of the problematics identified by Crawford Young addressed within non-Marxist scholarship. This concerns the nature of the relationship between the state and cultural pluralism. “Ethnicity, language, region and religion, Young tells us “interactively form (the) matrix of cultural pluralism.”186 This perspective begins by accepting the view that classes are relatively underdeveloped in post-colonial societies. Since they derive…
For instance, if one ethnic group is powerful enough to deny basic civil rights to other ethnic groups, then political decisions will be made solely to benefit the dominant group rather than society as a whole. To give an example of this we can look at Moldova. In Way’s article “Weak States and Pluralism: The Case of Moldova” he argues that ‘Moldova’s weak state, tenuous elite networks, and polarized politics have provided key sources of democracy in the post- Soviet period’ (Way, 2003: 454), he…