Tom is a despicable character who embodies everything that is wrong with society, and flies through life unpunished. Gatsby is a man who came from humble beginnings, and made something out of himself for the sole purpose of recuperating the one thing that ever made him feel alive – Daisy. Gatsby lied, cheated, and took part in organized crime, so what can possibly him great, you may ask. Well, in my opinion, Gatsby’s never-ending optimism, simplicity of heart, and power to make his dreams into reality is what makes him “Great”. In reality, Gatsby never cared for the glamorous parties, the nice clothes, or the fast cars. Acquiring these luxuries were only important to him because he felt like they were necessary for him to accomplish his ultimate goal- winning Daisy’s heart back. Daisy embodied Gatsby’s American dream, and unfortunately for him, his search for her was somewhat more of a fatally romantic idealism that seemed to be best suited in a world of fairy tails and happy endings. I agree with Nick when he tells Gatsby, "They're a rotten crowd... you're worth the whole damn bunch put…
Viewers would proclaim the film better because of its more realistic characterization. For instance, Slim "a tall man...moved with a majesty only achieved by royalty and master craftsmen....There was a gravity in his manner and a quiet so profound that all talk stopped when he spoke. His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject..."(Steinbeck, 33). Steinbeck portrayed Slim as God. Steinbeck spent an entire page describing Slim 's physique and indicated that Slim is unique.…
As the growing bubble of the stock market suddenly stopped some of the wealthiest people in our country instantly became paupers. Of coarse as a direct result of the crash, the economy weakened and unemployment skyrocketed. Now as to whether the crash was the case of the great depression is still strongly debatable. Since the great depression happened after the 1929 stock market crash, many people blamed it for the economic collapse. Some held President Hoover responsible, others targeted the…
In The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald money, power, and the fulfillment of dreams is what the story’s about. On the surface the story is about love but underneath it is about the decay of society’s morals and how the American dream is a fantasy, only money and power matter. Money, power, and dreams relate to each other by way of three of the characters in the book, Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom. Gatsby is the dreamer, Daisy cares about money, and Tom desires and needs power. People who…
This concluded that the genre of people that were approaching were of a higher class than most who possess riches and elegant garments that they could flaunt amongst others. It?s as if they were dressing up for a Halloween party. Their garments were immense and ostentatious so people could recognize who they were and they could at least have the attention on them for few minutes. If their outfit was excessive, then the rest of their attire had to be fit to a tee, including their hair, nails,…
Jay would stare into the green light on the Buchanan's dock endlessly while reaching for it. While Gatsby is reaching for this light, which represents the past when he was in a happy relationship with Daisy, he is unaware of the consequences that are created from his absent-minded choices that he takes to win back Daisy. For example Jay takes the blame for a murder, throws giant parties, gets involved in bootlegging, and most importantly becomes someone he isn't deep down all to impress a girl…
They "display the basest elements of nature... and lack all sensitivity, all compassion for those more helpless and weaker in mind and body than they are" (Johnson 16). Curley is extremely competitive, a trait that is evident in his desire to prove himself in a fight with Lennie and in his constantly asking where his wife is, as if he is competing with the other workers for her or demonstrating his "ownership" of her. Jealousy consumes him, and he lives as if he is subject to Darwin's theory of…
In the 1930s, migrant workers George and Lennie take new jobs on a farm in California bucking barley for the ranch owner and his son. In the beginning, George and Lennie discuss their past and how they have come this farm; they have come from the north where Lennie did something bad and forced the two to flee. After they arrived at the ranch, they begin their work and in the process meet the other characters; some they manage to befriend and others become enemies. The duo encounter the boss’s…
the ancient Greece in architecture. Many of the modern European house structures are thought of by the Greeks. The Greeks influenced today’s society though knowledge, art, math and architecture in many parts of the world. Socrates created a theory that many teachers in Europe use today, it’s where the teacher asks the student question to get the correct response. Socrates gave Europe and the world insight into new teaching methods and knowledge. His teacher’s methods and theories are used today…
Society Kings Reigns Cyrus: 560-530 BC Darius: 522-486 BC Xerxes: 486-465 BC Artaxerxes: 465-425 BC What was Susa? Susa was originally the capital of Elam, located in a fertile agricultural area. Darius I is credited with transforming the city into the administrative capital for the Persian kings. It was accessible to Babylon, Ecbatana and the eastern parts of the empire. Identify three Royal Palaces in this period Susa, Pasargadae and Persepolis Who or what was Bel Marduk? Bel…