As I sit down to write this letter for your confirmation retreat, I would like to first tell you how honored I feel that you have chosen me to be your confirmation sponsor. I was with you when you were baptized into the Catholic faith, I witnessed you make your First Holy Communion, and now I look forward to walking next to you as you confirm your faith and are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Your parents have done an excellent job in raising you in the Catholic faith and I hope I played a part in that as well. It has been a pleasure watching you grow up and becoming the wonderful young lady you are today. Not only are you confident, strong, and intelligent but you are truly a disciple of God. I witness it all the time. A few…
The Conformation is the last of the three initiation rites (the first two being Baptism and the First Holy Communion). In the sacrament of confirmation, “the faithful are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and are strengthened in their Christian life” (“Confirmation” 1). In other words, the purpose of the confirmation is to strengthen the faith of a person and to be officially confirmed or declared as a Catholic. For the ritual, each person to be confirmed has a sponsor. The sponsor must be…
instead of her emotions, otherwise Father Flynn would not have left St. Nicholas. Moreover, if Father Flynn felt that Sister Aloysius’ certainty was inaccurate, then he would not have mind Sister Aloysius pursuing that certainty because he knows what is true. The quote demonstrated supports Father Flynn’s guilty verdict, therefore accepts his plead. Sister Aloysius tells Sister James, “That I had called a nun in his previous parish…His resignation was his confession,” (Doubt 51) to Sister James…
feel closer to God than ever. However, Confirmation wasn't what I thought it would be. I had known what was going to happen: we would be presented to the bishop, listen to the homily, renew our baptismal promises, the bishop would lay his hands upon us, and we would be anointed with Chrism. However, I couldn't have predicted the feeling of the Chrism on my forehead or the inexplicable joy that I felt afterwards. I couldn't have possibly known the understanding of my mission that I felt as I…
MY FAMILY During the time of preparation for Confirmation, my family was there for the journey. When I started the process of Confirmation, the first requirement I started was getting service hours. I had to volunteer at many places to get ten sessions. My parents scheduled the times I would volunteer, helped plan out my schedule, and drove me to Home Sweet Home, the SF-Marin Food Bank, and Saint Vincent de Paul. My parents also attended masses with me as my preparation for Confirmation…
beach. Two younger boys who had been playing out on the beach that day, discovered the beached mermaid, the boys filmed themselves going up to it and poking it with a stick, because it had appeared to be dead. The mermaid jumped up and grabbed the boy’s leg and then the video abruptly ended, shortly after the incident the FBI had come to take the mermaid away and paid the boys to not say a word about anything. The video was my proof, there was no way someone could just make that video up, it…
Seattle • Sam Baldwin (played by Tom Hanks) is a recently widowed dad who is trying to get over the loss of his wife and considering dating women again. • Jonah Baldwin (played by Ross Malinger) is the son of Sam who calls a radio show to talk about his dad and how he needs to marry another woman. • Annie Reed (played by Meg Ryan) a Baltimore woman that is recently engaged to a man named Walter, who tunes in to the radio show and realizes she is smitten with Sam. • Walter (played by Bill…
anecdotal evidence on confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the common human tendency to notice or seek out information which confirms our already existing beliefs while ignoring evidence which conflicts our beliefs. It is particularly prevalent in cases where our beliefs are mere prejudice or based on superstition. Confirmation bias is the reason why many people believe in the supernatural such as ESP, lucky charms or the lunar effect: a claim that human behaviour is influenced by the…
The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, takes place in Boston, Massachusetts in the 1640s. One of the main characters in this work is Hester Prynne, a young woman of the colony who is discovered to be an adulteress and condemned to wear a scarlet letter for the remainder of her life. Her partner in sin is a young Puritan minister of high repute, Arthur Dimmesdale. In the act of adultery, Hester conceives a child, whom she names Pearl. Another main character is Hester Prynne’s former husband,…
A cover letter is an introductory document you send with your résumé when you are applying for a job. It is a significant item for a Canadian applicant because many recruiters read this letter first. It not only supports your résumé, but it is also an opportunity for you to stand out from a variety of other applicants and to convince the recruiter to consider you in the remaining hiring procedures. It tells the hiring manager that you are applying for a position and briefly describes your…