Infection control is the number one obligation for any health care worker, in any field, at any time. All persons that enter a hospital should walk in with confidence knowing they will be treated without any risk of acquiring a nosocomial infection during their visit. The only way to accurately ensure that this will happen is if all medical personnel follow through with proper usage of their personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE’s. PPE’s are a part of Standard Precautions which are components of the guidelines created to guard patients, as well as, health care workers against job-related exposure and nosocomial infections. They supply a bodily barrier between the user and the infectious agent 1.The correct technique for applying…
Infection Prevention and Control 15.1 a There are several ways infection can penetrate and spread into the body, especially the chemicals that we use in laundry area can get into our skin if we are not careful from drops and slip; it can burn, break and irritate our skin until it spread into the body. Another is through inhalation that can lead to respiratory infection and spread of viruses from cold and flu. It can even spread through breathing, coughing and airborne infection. 15.1 c It is…
Infection control and prevention, e.g. standard infection control precautions. Infections are caused by pathogens, which are living microorganisms that infect your body. A contagious disease is one that is transmitted by physical contact from an individual that has the disease. Now an infectious disease can be transmitted through air, water or a mosquito. All carers must make sure all vaccines are up to date as you need to be prone to diseases so the service user doesn’t get them off you. The…
OF HOSPITAL SUPPORT STAFF ON INFECTION PREVENTION IN THIKA LEVEL 5 HOSPITAL 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 STUDY BACKGROUND Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) also referred to as Nosocomial infections are those infections occurring in a patient during the process of care in a hospital or any other health care facility that was not manifesting or incubating at the time of admission (Nejad, Allegranzi, Syed, Ellis & Pittet, 2011). Nosocomial Infections are not limited to the patients; they also include…
Infection control is preventing the spread of infectious organisms and managing infections if and when they occur. Within a health facility, staff are trained in infection control practice’s including precautions to minimise the risk of infection. This assignment will look at the Enrolled Nurse’s knowledge on infection control and the way in which infection control information is distributed to all in staff in the clinical area. As an Infection Control Representative the Enrolled nurse will…
Infection control remains a major challenge in healthcare, but by following facility safety protocols, the spread of disease amongst healthcare workers and patients can be minimal. Healthcare workers are exposed to multiple risks, the most common being the spread of infection. Ongoing exposure to disease-causing microorganisms along with fatigue and stress, can increase the chances of healthcare workers becoming infected on the job. However, by following standard precautions, healthcare workers…
has been in a fight with infections and disease control. From the early era of hospitals patients were at times in the same bed as another patient, thus spreading disease from one to another. A Hungarian obestritician by the name of Ignaz Semmelweis found and adovacted on the importance of hand washing. However, it was not until a physician by the name of Joseph Lister who created a spray to use while conducting surgery, thus being successful in the reduction of mortality rates of patients.…
Introduction With patient safety being at the forefront of hospitals’ priority, it’s imperative for administration to implement infection control protocols. The practice of preventive measures along with staff education is necessary in the reduction of hospital liability, extended inpatient stays and loss in revenue. Although some strategies are standard throughout hospital organizations, data and con-stant monitoring of these procedures will provide insight into compliant areas or those that…
Infection prevention and control measures aim to ensure the protection of those who might be vulnerable to acquiring an infection both in the general community and while receiving care due to health problems, in a range of settings. The basic principle of infection and control is hygiene. The role of the Infection Prevention & Control Team is to promote best infection control practice in order to ensure the safe delivery of a quality service for…
Introduction Infection control aims to prevent pathogens from coming into contact with a person before it can cause serious health related risk and spread of diseases by applying basic principles in order to stop the chain of infection and maintain an infectious free work environment (NHMRC 2010). This report will explore an example of a situation in a hospital setting with an infectious patient and how radiographers go about taking measures to implement infection control procedures for the…