Essay On Infection Control

Improved Essays
Infection control remains a major challenge in healthcare, but by following facility safety protocols, the spread of disease amongst healthcare workers and patients can be minimal. Healthcare workers are exposed to multiple risks, the most common being the spread of infection. Ongoing exposure to disease-causing microorganisms along with fatigue and stress, can increase the chances of healthcare workers becoming infected on the job. However, by following standard precautions, healthcare workers can lower the risk of healthcare-associated infections. These precautions include hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), and respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette. The most important prevention in stopping or limiting the spread of infection is proper handwashing. Preventing infections related to residual microorganisms on the hands can be done by washing hands before and after each patient care activity. The rationale behind this is to decrease risk of nosocomial infection or transmission of infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the …show more content…
Preventing infections related to microorganisms that are airborne, bloodborne, or droplets can be done by donning appropriate PPE; such as: surgical or procedural mask, respirator, gloves, long-sleeved gowns and eye protection such as goggles or face shields, and most importantly, washing hands before and after each patient care activity. The rationale behind this is to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure when in contact with blood and body fluid of any patient and also to decrease risk of nosocomial infection or transmission of infection. Proper handling of infected items is the key to reduce the risk of transmission and cross contamination within the facility. Removal of gloves, masks, and gowns after each use should be disposed according to the facility

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