Infection control aims to prevent pathogens from coming into contact with a person before it can cause serious health related risk and spread of diseases by applying basic principles in order to stop the chain of infection and maintain an infectious free work environment (NHMRC 2010). This report will explore an example of a situation in a hospital setting with an infectious patient and how radiographers go about taking measures to implement infection control procedures for the safety of themselves and other involved. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) describes a number of strains of bacteria, staphylococcus aureus, that are resistant to a number of antibiotics, which include methicillin (NHMRC 2010). It lives …show more content…
The personal service assistance (porter) brought the patient in a bed to an x-ray room wearing an apron and gloves and 3 radiographers were involved in the examination. One radiographer at the console, 1 ‘clean’ radiographer operated the tube and 1 ‘dirty’ radiographer handled the patient and all worked together as a team. The transporter, ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ radiographer wore gloves and aprons at all times during this period. At the end of the examination anything the patient or radiographers had come into contact within the room was appropriately binned, changed and decontaminated bleach/detergent which included things like; x-ray tube, cassette, linen and door handles etc. The three radiographers then washed their hands thoroughly at the end. The transporter waited outside with the gloves and apron on to move the patient back to the medical ward where he then could finally bin all of that material and wash his hands thoroughly before leaving.
How the experience affected my professional development
Theories of infection control had been explained in academic studies. But seeing these theories being put into clinical practice was quite interesting. Realizing how important it is that appropriate measures are taken towards implementing infection control principles. It was a very serious issue, however …show more content…
The precautions were followed very closely in order to manage the situation which supported the theory vs practice.
The significance of the experience for my professional development
This experience really reinforced the importance of infection control in a clinical setting and how imperative it is for healthcare practitioners knowing how to take appropriate measures and follow certain principles for the safety of themselves and others. The situation had me recalling information I had read and learned about previously, but also allowed me to gain more knowledge and insight, which help me further my professional development.
Infection control is an important aspect of the healthcare system and all practitioners should be well educated in this area as a professional. It is of grave importance that the spread of infections is stopped altogether or reduced as prevention is better than cure. So it is important that appropriate measures are taken for the safety of the staff, patients and the community (NHMRC