In the novel Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel, a The Life of Pi teaches us that the companionship in the most primal of animals indicates the close similarities man and animal contain, especially within an atmosphere that lacks civilization. Throughout the book, Yann Martel fills in this grey area between man and animal by demonstrating that when both are under the line of survival, similarities arise, which in turn helps provide an interdependent relationship between the two opposite figures. Typically, humans often perceive that there is a major difference in the actions/behaviors of man and animal. In a normal society, humans are very civilized, eat at a table, act in a certain manner whereas animals are thought as wild, untamed and hunt for their food. However, under no civilization, humans are no different than animal. We are often forced to sacrifice our rituals and duty, dismantle our moral values, and alter back to our animal instincts for the sake of our survival. This concept is communicated through Pi as he suffers on the lifeboat. As the book progresses, his priorities change, his moral values diminish, his animalistic instincts become evident, and as a result, his natural behavior/actions mirrors Richard Parker’s. Before the unexpected crisis of the…
Life of Pi: Character Analysis Essay Franklin Graham, a Christian Evangelist once said, “ No matter what storm you face, you need to know God loves you. He has not abandoned you.” Piscine Molitor Patel must have lived by this motto as well because his faith in many God’s was all that kept him going through his extremely grueling trip across the Pacific Ocean. Pi is accompanied by a Royal Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker. The beginning of the story takes place in Pondicherry, India where Pi…
turbulent waves of the stormy Pacific Ocean. Pi watches powerlessly from a lifeboat as his life sinks/ family disappears in front of his eyes. Pi soon discovers he is not the only one on the lifeboat. He learns he must share his lifeboat with an orangutan, hyena, a zebra with a broken leg, and a Bengal tiger, named Richard Parker. The hyena dispatches the zebra and the orangutan. Consequently, Richard Parker kills the hyena. After the slaughtering concludes, Pi and Richard Parker are the only…
Setting in Life of Pi: The Relationship Between Pi and the Ocean The setting of a story plays a major role in the development of the plot throughout the novel. In Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, the main character, Pi, is left without his family and only accompanied by an untrained Bengal tiger, Richard Parker. Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Pi is compelled to train the tiger for his own survival and faces several physical and spiritual challenges. The existence of these challenges is because of…
In the novel Life Of Pi, as Pi is on his journey after the shipwreck stuck on the ocean alone, he has to survive through lessons he was taught. Pi survived after being stuck in the pacific ocean for 227 days with a tiger named Richard Parker. Survival comes from conquering many hardships and difficult challenges, but you need to get past it with the sources and lessons you have been taught. As Pi was thrown overboard he began to have doubts which had started his journey to survive. When Pi…
Life of Pi Meaning of the Zoo Pi grew up in a city of animals, after all his family did own a zoo. Pi knows everything there is to know about his animals in the zoo, but what if the zoo in Life of Pi is more than just to show that Pi knows a lot about animals. The reason the author of Life of Pi included the part about the zoo was to introduce the animalistic savagery that would become a theme throughout the book. The meaning behind Pi growing up in a zoo was so that the author could introduce…
Life of Pi and The Story of Keesh Survival in an extreme environment requires intelligence, ingenuity and resilience. In the story “The Story of Keesh” Jack London portrays the fundamental character Keesh, who use wit and resourcefulness to survive in the extreme environment of the Arctic, and in the story “Life of Pi” Yann Martel depicts how the main character Pi use ingenuity and resilience to survive alone in the middle of the Pacific ocean with an adult tiger. …
Liquid life In the novel, water is so common, so expected, we forget it was there altogether. At sea, there is a boat, a lion and a boy, but no water. However, Pi understands the necessity of water. Being deprived of it, he calls it “liquid life” when it touches his lips, quenching his thirst. Water isn’t just life blood in the book, it’s a messenger and a barrier PI must overcome to survive. Most obviously, you need water to live. After days without water and incredibly weak, PI gets a taste…
many different meanings. Pi has heard many people say negative things about zoos, mostly that they take away noble, wild animals of their freedom and trap them in boring, domesticated lives, but he disagrees. He believes that wild animals in their natural surroundings come to deal with fear, fighting, lack of food, and parasites on a regular basis. Animals in the wild are not free at all; they must follow the harsh laws of nature or die. Religion with its many orders and rules may also be seen…
science and stories are 3 things in the life of Pi that aren 't seen but are still believed to be real and possible. Science is one of the things humans done need to see to understand and believe in. Orange juice floating towards Pi on her pile of bananas, the canivourous island and Pi surviving with Richard Parker on the boat are scientific feats that were believed by others, even if they did not see it. Orange juice floating to Pi on a pile of bananas was a scientific feat that was believed…