Examples of Informative Essays

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  • Improved Essays

    In my informative briefing project, I choose to speak about big game hunting in bush Alaska. If I could redo this project to make it better, I would probably change my topic to the life and times of a celebrity instead because I think that would be easier to plan and speak about. In my informative briefing speech, I had some good qualities and some bad qualities throughout my speech. I believe that my strengths were my visuals on my google slides and the tone of my voice which was loud and clear. And for my weaknesses, I had a big lack in eye-contact and poor time-awareness. For example, in my presentation, I used too much of my time on the introduction and first main point which forced me to rush through my next two main points and conclusion. To solve this issue, I feel like rewriting my outline with shorter sentences and less sub-points while still getting my main point across to the audience.…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    ways to help society. Techies have been trying innovating society’s lives, and therefore transforming people’s lives by making lifestyles much higher convenient and advanced. Therefore, nowadays people say that techies are “inevitable” to society, as people use technology almost every day. This is an ideal word “inevitable” since our day starts, people all around the world start using technology. For example, a great deal of people use their phones in the morning to read the newspaper or…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Extended Assignment Does a story have to come from the author’s own experience? A story does not have to come from an author’s own experience(,) but often an author includes their own experiences when writing a narrative type story. The author may also write an informative type story that does not include themselves. A author may write a expository type story that doesn’t include them self, it is an explanatory style story. A descriptive style of story or essay writing is usually used…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Alexandra Kartchner Period 5 17 March 2015 Husband Government Legislature project Legislature: My current legislature is Dana Rohrabacher, he is proudly serving the 48th district, from Seal Beach to Laguna Beach, Orange County area. Some of the major activities in the 48th district is aerospace, scientific and research companies, construction, real estate, manufacturing, and touring. Rohrabacher is in his 13th term as a Representative, he is the most assertive…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    1st Speaker: Dr. Patricia Miner- Director of ADA Didactic Program in Dietetics at Queens College. 1. The speaker spoke about how she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 21, and became interested in nutrition. She said to always pursue a job and never wait to be given one. 2. The speakers message related to the quality of life for individuals, because it shows that disease, specifically diabetes can be managed well or even prevented by eating the correct foods. 3. What I learned from the…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Men and women of Athens who now serve on this council, today I would like to speak in defense of my teacher, mentor, and friend. For some unknown reason, leaders in this assembly would like to ostracize this man who has held free lessons in Athens just so he can educate your children and sharpen the thoughts of us older men and women. This man is Socrates, and he is vibrant hue in the portrait of Athens that the Thrasybulans would like to cover with grey. Many of you sitting here may already…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Today I was able to attend the game between the lady Gladiators vs the Mission Pioneers. It was a great overall experience, because I don’t really go to my home town as much as I want to thanks to my hectic schedule, so it was a good experience. From the beginning of the game the lady gladiators seem to be overmatch real quick as they lost their first set 8 to 25. Coach Angie Garcia, try to motivate her team by giving them encouraging words to spark a fire in them. Me as an observer I can tell…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    On a beautiful day on Mt. Olympus, the sky was blue and the sun was shining, and everyone was happy. On June 3rd, 1765, Poseidon had a new hero come into the family, her name was Kyra. When she was born, Theseus, Poseidon’s other child, grabbed a bat and swung as hard as he could, but Poseidon took Kyra and took her away from him. “Why would you do that?” asked Poseidon. “I want to be the only child dad.” ,Theseus said, “If I was a big brother, I don’t want to be one to a GIRL.” “It had to…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    On September 11, 2001 nearly 3000 people were killed due to a terrorist attack. Senator Lamar Alexander stated “September 11, is one of our worst days but it brought out the best in us. It unified us as a country and showed our charitable instincts and reminded us of what we stand for.” Today I will inform you all on the tragedies that occurred on September 11, 2001, and will also be informing you all on the changes the United States made to prevent terrorist attacks like this from happening…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    General purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about medical errors. What are medical errors, why do we have them, and how can we prevent them. Thesis/Central Idea: Being able to be further well-informed about the health care system it is important to know both the successes and failures of medicine. So what are medical errors? Why do we have them? How can we prevent them? Introduction I. (Attention Getter) “To Err is Human”; to forgive, divine.”- Alexander Pope II. …

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    Decent Essays
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