world, even to this current day. To use or not to use the atomic bomb during the cold days of war was the landmark question that faced President Truman. He made the executive decision to drop the bomb, starting with Hiroshima, Japan; and from that moment, history was forever changed. Perhaps, I am injudicious, but in my opinion, such extreme measures during a lengthy, ongoing war was not most rational…
motives behind the United States decision to use atomic bombs against Japan and what arguments have been made against it? WWII was fought between the Allied powers composed of USA, Britain and the Soviet Union, and the Axis Powers, comprised of Germany, Italy and Japan, and was one of the deadliest conflicts in all of history. The vast amount of casualties on both sides totalled to 6,000,000 deaths – about 3% of the global population in the 1940s. The use of atomic bombs was to put an end to…
The atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Even today, many debate whether or not the US should have dropped the atomic bombs. Not only have the bombs killed many Japanese, the bombs also caused radiation sickness. However, these bombs were effective in that they ended one of the most costly wars the world has seen. Although the results of the atomic bombs were devastating to Japan, the US was justified in dropping the bombs because…
There are several reasons the atomic bomb was necessary to use against Japan towards the end of the Pacific War / World War II. The first most obvious reason was retaliation against Japan’s surprise attack on the United States Naval Base Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. The bombing of Pearl Harbor left the United States with over 2,400 military casualties and 20 destroyed or damaged ships. The attack on Pearl Harbor was one of the sole reasons the United States had declared war on Japan. With…
As an American citizen, they would believe the dropping of the atomic bomb was a good idea. Document A stated "... they could keep the emperor if they surrendered.". This quote is saying that if Japan were to surrender, they would be safe, and so would the Americans, which is all that they wanted. Americans were willing to do many things to stay safe, and dropping the atomic bomb was the only way for things in America to go back to normal, and make the people safe again. As a Japanese citizen,…
alliance of Japan, Germany, and Italy. On the contrary, the result of ending the war with Japan by dropping the world’s first atomic…
“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”1 These words were quoted by Robert Oppenheimer after the first successful test of the atomic bomb, the Trinity Test. The atomic bomb was being tested and designed by the “Manhattan Project,” a top-secret nuclear weapon development organization for the purpose of attacking Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The idea of creating the weapons was originated when Albert Einstein5 heard about the efforts of Germany to purify uranium-235, which could be…
During WWII, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt approved the development of the atomic bomb, a project that became known as the Manhattan Project, out of fear that the Nazis would try to build and use a nuclear weapon. After FDR’s death, President Truman inherited the most powerful weapon in the history of mankind and was left with the choice of using it or not. Undoubtedly, his decision changed the world in so many ways, and is largely thought and taught that dropping the atomic bombs on…
My major is Asian Studies with a minor in Communication. Once I graduate and receive my diploma I am going to use my knowledge of the atomic bomb dropping to spread awareness of the aftermath of this tragedy. This summer I will be taking a trip to Hiroshima through Bowling Green State University to learn more about the atomic bomb and how we can work to make sure something like this never happens again. Because of my focus on Japan I would like to teach others about the atrocity of the atomic…
dropping of the Atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which brought about the conclusion of the Second World War in the Pacific in August, 1945, there has been much discourse on whether the bombs should or should not have been used. In Karl T Compton’s account ‘If the Atomic Bomb Had Not Been Used’1 published in 1946, he presents an argument based around facts,figures and American patriotism to present his argument. However, in Paul Ham’s book ‘Hiroshima Nagasaki’ published in 2011, the…