After the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, Americans desperately tried to get back at the Japanese for leaving their country in ruins. After several nuclear weapons tests, the United States was ready to get their revenge. In 1945, the United States dropped two atomic bombs, one at Hiroshima and one at Nagasaki. This was one of the underlying factors that contributed to the surrender of Japan. The dropping of the Atomic bomb in Japan was important to United States history because it was arguably the biggest turning point in modern war history. It eventually led the United States into an economic age of prosperity, and it proved the United States had a sense of authority worldwide. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans were outraged at the Japanese and immediately wanted to get involved in the war that was going on at the time (World War II). Due to the fact the United States had gone to war not too long before, a new strategy was eventually developed, dropping an atomic bomb. This idea was brought upon by no other than Albert Einstein. Einstein brilliantly sent current president at the time Franklin D. Roosevelt a letter explaining his plan for what would be one of the biggest turning points in United States History. Due to the fact that there was a suspicion that Germany was getting ready to start using nuclear weapons, the government knew they had to take a course of action soon or other countries would begin to picture America as weak and vulnerable. Using implosion as a scientific mean a group of scientists, led by Robert J Oppenheimer, created a massive bomb that would be equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT . Immediately after the United States had used their sneaky yet skillful tactic, a big chunk of Japan’s country was decimated. The creation and decision to activate the atomic bomb on Japanese soil was important to United States history because it technically led to the resignation of Japan in World War II. Because the conclusion of World War II was in favor of the United States, factors such as the economy would boom. The atomic bomb impacted American lives because the aftermath of power the United States had would affect the American economy like never before. The dropping of the atomic bomb would be significant relating to the American economy because it led an age of wealth and prosperity. After the atomic bomb was dropped, foreign countries were flabbergasted at the type of science and technology that went into creating this massive form of destruction. The United States then came out as world power and definitely had a sense of authority in the world. Although businesses flourished and the economy was doing better than …show more content…
The atomic bomb created a chain reaction that led to the Cold War then the Cuban Missile Crisis. Because theoretically the Cold War has not concluded, tensions between the Soviets and the Americans could get out of hand at any given moment. The dropping of the atomic bomb is also important to United States history because World War II definitely ended in favor of America. The atomic bomb was the first part of a road map that would lead the United States to be the biggest world power on the face of the