Atomic Bomb Dbq

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The atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Even today, many debate whether or not the US should have dropped the atomic bombs. Not only have the bombs killed many Japanese, the bombs also caused radiation sickness. However, these bombs were effective in that they ended one of the most costly wars the world has seen. Although the results of the atomic bombs were devastating to Japan, the US was justified in dropping the bombs because it swiftly ended the war, which effectively saved more lives than it costed. Had the US resorted fire raids, blockades, and invasion on the Japanese homeland, there would have been more casualties on both the US and Japan. President Truman recognized …show more content…
The American men knew that an invasion on Japan would result in heavy losses in terms of casualties. Lester Bernstein said that, “For Americans in uniform and those who waited for them to come home, outrageous as this might appear from the moral heights of hindsight” (Source 8). With the dropping of the bombs, the soldiers were able to return home. They knew that the bombing would result in the end of the war and were relieved that they did not have to continue fighting. Bernstein also stated that “it was a sunburst of deliverance” (Source 8). Bernstein felt a sense of freedom after the bombs because knew that the war was over. He knew that he was set free for the horrors of …show more content…
The bombing in Japan showcased the true power of the atomic bomb. In a sense, the world became more cautious in using atomic warfare due to the horrors of its effects. If the US did not use the atomic bombs, other nations would not have as much of a sense of its power. “Since it would certainly be used in the future time,” the bombs could have been used against the US (Source 5). Therefore, using the bombs on Japan may have prevented the US from being bomb with atomic warfare. To prevent other nations from bombing the US, Albert Einstein’s goal was to create the atomic bomb before other nations could. He was afraid that Nazi Germany would develop their atomic bomb first. Therefore, he encouraged more research and wrote that the US should “approach Government Departments, and put forward recommendations for Government action, giving particular attention to the problem of securing a supply of uranium ore” (Source 11). He main objective is to create the atomic bomb before any other nation could, so that the US would not be

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