activities and being involved in programs that force students to go above and beyond actually can have adverse effects on their development. The articles used to consider the negative side to extracurricular activities explored the pressures put on students in Advanced Placement…
School can be stressful and overwhelming to student regardless of the academic level. Many students, who abandon the idea of studying, can succumb to the method of academic cheating. Academic cheating is a problem. Young adults, especially in high school, will or have already cheated, “In a survey of 24,000 students at 70 high schools, Donald McCabe (Rutgers University) found that 64 percent of students admitted to cheating on a test, 58 percent admitted to plagiarism and 95 percent said they…
Academic pressure can be defined as stress that ensues from the desire to succeed academically both put on yourself and from other external factors. Over the past few decades, the academic pressure placed put on students across America has increased by almost twenty percent. There is not just one particular reason for the spike in academic pressure, but rather a plethora of reasons that vary depending on the individuals. Differences in cultures create varying standards for how well students…
amazing you are at something rather than the effects of this pressure. Society's expectations, and pressure regarding academics effect teens by making poor life decisions, having them strive to be a perfectionist, or “superhuman”, and having risky health problems. Due to the academic pressure from society, teens tend to make poor life decisions. “Others may resort to cheating to make up for their lack of motivation or live up to the standard set up by older siblings or parents” (Sargunjot).…
Does the huge amount of money spent on international students causes them academic stress Most often when I see my fellow international students, when I ask them how classes are going, the response I often hear is that, they have so many papers to turn in. The problem is not the number of assignments, but they pressure to turn in a perfect assignment t get good grades. I say to myself must we be under this pressure at all times? This is not how school life should be, constantly under stress…
year, there were multiple cases of student suicide raised the public awareness about the issue in Hong Kong. By studying cases of student with suicidal ideation, the causations of the modern problems in Hong Kong are identified in this essay. Drawing on Wu Fei’s article, the similarity and difference of youth suicide (mainly student suicide) in Hong Kong and rural China will be discussed. First, the causes of youth suicide will be discussed. The main cause of student suicide in Hong Kong is…
branch of this form of lying includes academic dishonesty. In today’s society, schools praise GPA and grades rather than student progress, prompting students to feel the external pressure of meeting these expectations. Rather than appraising students based on growth, schools admire the top students, unknowingly encouraging them to cheat for the top grades instead of learning for their own improvement. The education system has become extremely competitive, and a grade-oriented environment is…
Imagine the pressure to do well in school, be flawless by a beauty standard, and fit in with society’s standards. In the play, Fences, written by August Wilson, the main character Troy Maxson goes through a lot of pressures to be the person he once was or will never become. There are many different things that can be caused by pressure but one of the most prevalent is low self-esteem. There are several different pressures that society causes but more specifically beauty, academic, and social…
be applied towards the perception of peer pressure which has triggered varied responses amongst people. There has been a misconception in the way the term “pressure” is perceived, often associated with negativity and unpleasant matters. However, there is also the delightful aspect of peer pressure in which teenagers, especially a student, can conform and behave ‘like’ other members of a peer group, which is not necessarily a bad thing. As a matter of fact, teenagers are capable of imitating the…
Requiring students to conform to a dress code is beneficial to the school experience because it addresses the issues of discipline and academic achievement, students feel less peer pressure, and students are more focused in their studies. In this essay I will be explaining how my thesis is true about the dress code making a difference in the schools for the better. One of the ways that dress codes are beneficial is that it addresses the issues of discipline and academic achievement.When…