The idea of a good teacher has been in debate for many years among the teaching profession, government bodies and other community members. With many claiming different ‘models’ of teaching should contain certain qualities (disciplined, intellectual, enthusiastic, etc.) that should be adapted into teacher-education and teaching institutions. In this essay I will be discussing, and analysing the main argument from the text ‘Good teachers on dangerous ground’ (Connell, 2009) and explain the key ideas. I hope to find the ideal ‘good teaching’ model, describe what that model contains and discuss how we can foster this. Prior to starting this essay, my initial idea and schema of the ideal teacher was the idea of a supportive, energetic and enthusiastic…
Thesis: “How is a ‘Good Teacher’ defined in a student-centered classroom? In education, it’s not always easy to define the term “good teacher.” When I entered into the Master studies a year ago, I knew I wanted to be a good teacher. I started to list in my mind some qualities and criteria of a good teacher, and began to realize the complexity of my question: What makes a good teacher in a student-centered classroom? By definition, a good teacher is a ’’high- quality teacher’’ (Merriam-…
that rises in one’s mind is who is good teacher? Is a teacher the one who can create a powerful long lasting influence on the students, and directly affects what they learn, how much they learn and the way they interact with the world around them, looking at the degree of the teachers influence we must understand what teachers should do to promote positive results in the lives of students since teaching is a complex task ,some may view teachers effectiveness on students achievements while others…
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” A teacher is defined as someone who passes his or her knowledge down to others. Teachers have a huge responsibility in our society as they are in charge of teaching the younger generations. If one year a class has a teacher that does not know what they are doing or does not care, then that class will be suffer next year, as they will not be knowledgeable on the subject. But…
Discussion topic: How to be a good teacher? Pang: I want to talk about teaching. I told you that teaching is not as important as research. But it is still very important. I want you think about your favorite teacher one by one? And why that professor or boss in your previous institution was a good teacher? Student 1: One of my favorite teachers is from my master degree. He teaches Data mining. He used a lot of good examples to let us know how to use the different models; he also made pools…
Dr. Lisa Kim (University of York, UK): “What makes a good teacher? Uncovering and assessing non-cognitive characteristics of effective teachers” In my opinion teachers are the most important persons in every student’s life. They are here not only for giving a student necessary theory, but they hold the post of psychologist, parent and counsellor. Furthemore, pupils at primary school can see his teacher as a heroe or an idol. So the question has been risen- what makes teacher a good teacher?…
What characteristics make a good teacher? This is a question that many people will hear more than once throughout their life. Some qualities that come to mind (for me) are: having the ability to prepare your students for future classes, having a friendly attitude toward your students, having the respect of the student community as a whole, having the ability to make great applications in many different fields inside and outside of class, having an inspirational aura, and having the ability to…
the importance of having good art teachers throughout high schools? Having a good art teacher can determine if a high school student goes to college or not. In the other hand a bad teacher can impact the overall interest of a student in specific subjects. Schools need to focus on hiring creative teachers that can improve the overall performance of the students, instead of employing teachers that affect a student’s success. What kind of inspiration does an art teacher needs to have in order to…
What is a good teacher? A good teacher is someone who identifies their own personal and professional qualities; as a result students may feel comfortable with the teacher. For this reason the teacher has to develop a healthy rapport with students based on respect and trust. The teacher is a knowledge…
What is good teaching and what is a good teacher? Teaching is one of the most difficult jobs today. It demands expansive knowledge of subject matter and the curriculum; enthusiasm, a caring attitude, and a love of learning; knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques; and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people, where they will be able to make a contribution to society after school days are over. With all these qualities being required, finding good or even…