home early form service. “He had a trick knee, so he had to come home. It was a good thing because he supported my mother all through the war.” Frank who was the oldest, “went into the sea bee 's (CB) voluntarily.” His other brother Oscar was drafted. “ He was special services, enlisted man, ended up in France during the war.” He was at the time still in high school, in the eleventh grade. “When I graduated from high school, at the age of 17 and ½.” This was the summer of '43. “A neighbor and I, same age, we went to the recruiting. We both wanted to fly. We went to the recruiting station to enlist. We were afraid the war might end, before we could get a piece of the action.” The Army couldn 't enlist anyone under 18. “It was the Army Air Force in those days, there was no US Air…
The Traffic Management Office (TMO) career field is one of many in the United States Air Force (USAF). The sections of this career field includes Passenger Travel Movement, Personal Property Movement and Cargo Movement. It generally serves members facilitating and/or initiating the transportation/movement of people, property and cargo within the USAF across the national land international locations, including members deploying and permanently changing of duty stations. TMO airmen move the Air…
During my time in the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, which is a branch of the United States Air Force, I have had many positive experiences. From the places I have been able to see to the people I have met, the privilege of being able to wear the uniform has provided me with better involvements and experiences than most will have in their lives. About a year and a half ago, I earned the rank of Technical Sargent, which was my greatest personal achievement to the current moment in my career.…
LeMay Thesis Major General Curtis LeMay’s role as the commander of the XXI Bomber Command influenced the victory against Japan by his ultimate success in the areas of strategic, operational and tactical levels of warfare. Without LeMay’s innovation and gallantry the United States’ air warfare tactics would have continued to be ineffective against the Japanese homeland. LeMay’s focus on the Pacific theater of operation while commanding led to the largest and most effective air raid of the war. By…
Noted scientist Charles Darwin once said, " It is not the strongest of the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change." This quote is inspiring to me because all my life I have dealt with constant change, and it has structured the person I am today. As a result of my family’s military background, I have learned the importance of adapting to different environments, financial stability, and trust. I have always lived the military life, my parents were…
This essay combines critical reflection with dramaturgical analysis to uncover some of the ethical questions that arose when working in applied ethnographic theatre with veterans of the US Armed Forces. In the aftermath of 9/11, theatre in the United States has grappled with the ongoing armed conflicts through a number of recent projects and initiatives performed throughout the country, including Basetrack Live (2014), Holding it Down: The Veterans’ Dreams Project (2013), and The Telling Project…
(Merriam-Webster, 2017) Within the military, the diversity ranges from the types of missions and locations of bases, to, most importantly, the vast array of cultural, ethnic, and demographically diverse force that all have minimally one thing in common, their love of country. In my section alone, we have personnel from the Ukraine, Japan, and South America. Additionally, those that are born in the United States, joining the military and hailing from the suburbs to Philadelphia and the plains…
A watershed event is defined by the Oxford dictionary as an event or period marking a turning point in a course of action or state of affairs. One such watershed event that affected me professionally as well as personally was being selected to serve as an officer in the Air National Guard. After eleven years of serving as an enlisted member of both Active Duty Air Force and the Georgia Air National Guard (GANG), I applied and was selected for a commission as an officer in the GANG. At the time…
When joining the Airforce, you first must take the ASVAB. This is a test for the military that you usually take some time in you high school years. When you take the ASVAB you need to make a score of 36 or higher as this is the preferred ASVAB score. After that That find an Airforce recruiter to talk about your plans. Recruiters are the people who find people wanting to go into whatever branch of military they are choosing, but however most recruiters aren't always reliable when it comes to…
The Issue of Sexual Assault in the Military In 2013 there were 28,700 military members that were sexually assaulted (Cernak). It is one of the largest issues in the United States military and it is being handled very poorly. All of the militaries time and money being out towards sexual assault are being used on repetitive training that is obviously not working because the numbers of sexual assaults going the wrong direction every year. Because of this training, victims know the options…