The film that I chose to do a film study on is the 2004 film written and directed by Morgan Spurlock called super size me. The film is about a man who uses himself to experiment on while eating only Mcdonald 's foods for 30 days. The reason why he does this is to prove to the viewers on how unhealthy fast food is for your body and the results of it. Morgan is also viewed by 3 doctors in the beginning of the film and is checked up on during the 30 days to see the changes inside of his body. The rules to this experiment are that he has to eat every item on the menu at least once, He has to eat Mcdonalds for breakfast lunch and dinner, And if the server asks if he wants to upsize something he has to say yes. The viewer can tell after a couple day on how sick…
Fast food seems to be one of the main issues when talking about diabetes and heart disease caused by obesity. Looking at yet another documentary that in my opinion should be shown to every school in the country is called “Super-size me”. This documentary was filmed and played by a man named Morgan Spurlock. His adventure began by his curiosity about two girls who tried to sue McDonalds for their health issues and obesity. The two girls of course lost their case against this fast food restaurant.…
There are moments in our lives when we have to choose between what is a want or need. The documentary Super Size Me is written by Morgan Spurlock a film in which he also stars as the main character . The idea of Super Size Me is to persuade the audience to choose a healthier lifestyle for food. Spurlock has a strong and valid argument that fast food is the main cause of obesity in America Super Size Me is a documentary that exposes the business aspect of fast food. The documentary also exposes…
Super Size Me is a movie based on Morgan Spurlock, who stars and directs the movie, and his journey to eat strictly McDonald’s. This movie was created in 2004 before large amounts of intensive research were conducted pertaining to the health of McDonald’s foods. Spurlock decides to challenge himself to eat each item on the McDonald’s menu at least once for a month, and only McDonalds-no exceptions. He devoted 30 days of his life to this “Super-Size” challenge, to study what the effects of eating…
Super Size Me represents an example of a work that both circumvents and reinforces the tenets of corporate capitalism. Morgan Spurlock uses the grotesque human body in his film in order to address excessive consumption and the facilitation of this consumption by capitalism. However, in doing so, he inevitably uses capitalism as a tool to promote his message, creating a paradox Ross Singer dubs a “commodified form of cinematic dissent” (150). The irony of protesting capitalism through…
Super Size Me is a documentary about the long-term effects of fast food on personal health. The filmmaker’s month long diet consists of the McDonalds while documenting the progress. The effects of fast food and limited excessed proved to take a negative toll on Morgan Spurlock’s health. This experiment made him experience depression, lethargy and weight gain. The most important point in the film is how corporations play a role in contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. I think…
Mcdonald’s has been around for about 70 years, and each year our country gets fatter and fatter and some people don’t know why. Some people, like the people we see on the documentary, go to fast food places once a week, but some people do eat out about 3 times a week. They don’t know how much harm that takes on your body. I was thinking about what I have eaten over the years and what that has taken into my health. In the video Super Size Me, they showed us that Mcdonald’s, is not the place to…
belief of the time, Morgan Spurlock’s amateur documentary “Supersize Me” pushed reform in both fast food culture, and eating habits of citizens, being one of the first catalysts in a new movement in America. This 2004 film, being the first of his works to establish Spurlock as a filmmaker, focuses on Spurlock’s 30 day journey in which he vowed to eat solely McDonalds for three meals a day, and track his overall mental, physical, and social changes over this span of time. Throughout the film,…
Supersize Me is a narrative film by Morgan Spurlock which underscores the message of the threats of fast food and their impacts on our wellbeing. He got the possibility of this motion picture from an instance of two young ladies who were suing McDonald's for their weight. The judge decided that there is no confirmation that their corpulence and weakness is a consequence of eating from McDonald's. As an analysis, Spurlock chose to eat just McDonald's sustenance for a thirty day time span and…
industry and how is constantly innovating to survive in this changing world, it will be explored from the weakness of this highly mechanized industry, which has remained hidden, with the consent of the some government agencies, for US consumers and the world in general. This analysis will consider the movie "Fast Food Nation" and the documentary " Super Size Me", which shows how some corporations largely control the food supply, and often prioritize their profits above health consumers, the…