While each component is independently important, which is the most important subject to YOU when it comes to Soldier readiness? The three key components of the performance triad are nutrition, physical activity and finally sleep (Army Public Health Center). I feel that all three are important in their own way. Sleep as defined by Webster dictionary is “the natural state of rest during which your eyes are closed and you become unconscious”. But based on the performance triad sleep is “very critical in achieving optimal physical, mental, and emotional health” (Army Public Health Center). I also believe that sleep is very important for long life and better health. Activity as defined by Webster dictionary is “the state of being active: behavior…
What A Soldier Carries Nowadays very few authors of fictional writings decide to use the mixture of fact and fiction in order to demonstrate the main ideas and themes of their writings. In the fictional novel The Things They Carried written by Tim O’Brien, O’Brien used the mixture of fact and fiction to demonstrate what the soldiers had to carry in and after the Vietnam War, and how these things affected their actions. The Things They Carried is a two hundred thirty three page novel that…
evident that the items we possess somehow symbolize and represent who we really are. Every item we possess, no matter how big or small, has some sort of correlation to a person's character within. As shown in the short story The Things They Carried the author Tim O’Brien heavily emphasizes the items every soldier carried to instill the belief that each item represents a part of someone's human nature or disposition. These items may be seen as something of little importance to many or of great…
One of which is to protect their handler and their country. When you think about it, these dogs have a lot of weight on their shoulders. There are many possible horrific incidents that can occur in war. The canines are there to limit this encounter and decrease the number of casualties. Yet, these things do still happen and when they do a solider can become gravely injured. For Jose, this became reality. Some soldiers are taken off duty for an accident or maybe the war has come to a halt. Many…
Leadership philsosophy My leadership styles differ from Soldier to Soldier. Some Soldiers require to be micromanaged, but other require little supervision. My main leadership styles is of caring, easy going, easy to talk to but stern to complete the daily tasks and the unit mission. I always put the emphasis on the Soldiers values and place in the team, the shop, and the unit mission, all Soldiers are important. I will do whatever it takes to take care of the Soldiers, train, sustain, and…
One of the challenges a Soldier endures every two to three years is relocation. Moving from one duty station to the next is a responsibility of a Soldier fulfilling his or her obligation toward his or her line of duty. Although the relocation of a Soldier can be difficult, involving a single Soldier or a Soldier with dependents, the army has implemented a program to resolve some of the issue a Soldier may encounter during transition. The Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) assists Soldiers…
What is my sensible view of what is and is not important ofChilderen soilders , Ivery am stunned and disturbed by it. Children should make the most of their life playingoutside,eating sugary snacks,watching toon, playing with toys, playing sports, making large, very secure places in the house usings covers and an electric lamp as a light. At the point when theword"soldier" strikes a chord many people think about a solid, brave adult who is fighting fortheir nation. Many people think about a…
Child Soldier Imagine that you are a young boy or girl and instead of going straight home like your parents instructed you, you stayed out to play a game with some friends. During your activities you notice some strange armed men approaching. Not sure what to do you wait to see what they say. They quickly run up and grab you and your friends. Scared and clueless, they have blindfolded you and your friends, you sit in the back of the van they have put you in. They take you somewhere and the ride…
Soldiers Take Risks, Punishments, and Suffering Many recruiting soldiers want to join the armed forces and fight for their family, country, and flag. However, their families do not want them to join the army because the recruits are not ready for what lies ahead in the battlefield. The parents are worried for their children’s safety because a lot of people have died during wars, including men, women, and children. The recruits need to be prepared if they are going to see horrible things, might…
Jal started off as a soldier at the age of seven, where he would continuously be beaten and trained to forget his family and everything he once knew. He would be trained to never be caught of guard in case the enemy came and would go through harsh training everyday to become a good soldier. Jals situation isn’t uncommon in fact there are 300,000 child soldiers that are active around the world. Even though some of these child soldiers joined in the war to avenge their families most child soldiers…