Second Intifada

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    The Mitchell committee, which was put in place to find the reasons of the Second Intifada, found that the ongoing occupation was the main cause of the intifada (“The second”). From 1993-2000 there was A 117% increase in settlers in Gaza, 46% increase in west bank, and Israel fully controlled all of East Jerusalem, 20% of Gaza and 59% of the West Bank (“the second”). Israel also still controlled taxation revenue, expelled 1600 Palestinians from Jerusalem, and confiscated over 51,000 acres of Palestinian land from 1993-2000 (“The Second”). The worsening of the occupation conflicted with the hope that Palestinians had derived from the Oslo Accords, and made them lose hope in the implicit goal of an independent Palestinian state in the near…

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    Contrary to this belief, the public-sphere involvement of Palestinian women has a rich history. Although Palestinian women staked their claim in the public sphere decades before the Intifada, there were limits to this participation. This section discusses Palestinian women’s involvement until 1967 foremost as divided along class lines, but also as reactionary to national emergencies, or as limited to charitable work. Beginning as early as the 1880s, when Zionist immigration into Palestine began,…

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    from Baghdad before Operation Iraqi Freedom. Talat Yaakub joined Abu Abbas to establish PLF after their split from PFLP – GC because the group supported Syria during Lebanon’s civil war. PLF, which Abbas led until his death in 2004 while in captivity, is well-known for its 1985’s hijacking of “Achille Lauro cruise ship, during which the hijackers killed wheelchair-bound Jewish passenger Leon Klinghoffer” (Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 2013). Towards the end of the 1980s, Abbas merged his group…

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    The Women’s Affairs Center (WAC) is an organization based within Gaza and founded in 1991. The mission of WAC is to advocate for women’s rights and gender equality through their work as women’s knowledge-based organization. WAC was founded in Gaza in August of 1991 by the founding committee of Rita Giacaman, Rema Hammami, Sahar Khalifa, Islah Jad, I'timad Muhanna and Amal Nashashibi. Between 1991 and 1995, the board of the organization changed twice, once in 1994 due to a separation from a…

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    Palestinian Rejectionism

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    Kuperwasser and Lipner are wrong about how one should recognize the Israeli state. A state, by definition, is a polity, a community of organized peoples under one system of governance. As one can easily see, a state is a political entity neither religious nor ethnic. Hence, when President Abbas stated that he’s willing to recognize an Israeli state that is home to Jewish people along with other groups, he’s virtually accepting the existence of said state. Evidently, Palestine is willing to…

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    positive way to extricate Israel from the conflict, thus decreasing its vulnerability to terrorism. Despite the fact that General Hacohen was both an intelligent and compassionate leader, he was challenged by finding the balance between the two vastly different points of view. Through his understanding of the intellectual standard of fairness, General Hacohen concluded that the rights and needs of the settlers were, in fact, considered on the same plane with the rights and needs of the Israeli…

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  • Improved Essays

    The ongoing dispute between Israel and Palestine has been a constant struggle since the mid- 20th century. The novel, “The Attack” by Yasmina Khadra exposes the horrific reality of the brewing conflict between Israel and Palestine. The two groups lack understanding towards each other's views, have a strong hatred for one another, and the Palestinians pursue extremist acts to fight for their rights. The Israeli and Palestinian conflict has been arising for years, with no pause, declining to any…

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    Last year, BBC reported that in the span of a month, more than 2,100 Palestinians were murdered in the Gaza Strip, along with 66 Israeli soldiers and seven civilians in Israel (Gaza Crisis). In October of this year, two Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers this month, preceded by six Palestinians who were slain while protesting along the border of Israel. It is not uncommon to find events concerning the Israel-Palestine controversy quickly circulate…

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    important thing for most of people is to raise their kids in peace and nonviolence. Occupation forces have been in Palestinian for generations 1897. Many people since 1897 tried to get rid of Israel to have free country without occupation. On of people who spend a lot of offer for this cause in Budrus is Ayed Morrar. He is a normal person as many in this village who want to have free life without any war and violence. Ayed Morrar was one of the top leaders in Palestinian against the wall and…

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  • Improved Essays

    When Israel did not employee people from the west at a bank movie theater the “terrorist” burnt it down. Israel builds settlements and confiscated land. Palestinians were very angry about this. According to the movie Paradise Now, Israel would use force, and weapons to make Palestine accept the 2-state solution. Palestinians were willing to die over this just to make a point. They felt if they couldn’t live as equals they would die as equals. However, they should be able to find a way to be…

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