JC Second Person Personal Pronoun Sing. Sub. /yu si weh ah mean? / “Do you know what I mean?” /yu mussi born back a cow/ “You 're an idiot” (Pensacola Studio, 2014) /yu di ' guh work todeh? / “You went to work today?” Pl. Sub. /unu di ' hear di school bell? / “You heard the school bell?” (Jamaicansinting, 2012) Sing. Obj. /mi lob yu/ “I love you” (Wells, 1973) /me good yu know, but look “I’m Great, but not as good as you” At yu, di better one/ (Pensacola Studio, 2014) /ow yu do? / “How are you?” (Sevy, 2014) Pl. Obj. / Tap unu naiz/ “Stop your noise!” (Wells, 1973) /im di tell unu/ “He told you” (Jamaicansinting, 2012) JSE use “you” much in the same way as any variety of Standard English; JSE Second Person Personal…
This novel is told from the perspective of you, the reader, as Nick Hall. This would make this novel told in second person perspective. “The next morning you throw the covers off, lace your cleats, grab your burgundy and blue headband that matches your Barcelona jersey (which you slept in) , throw your clothes in the hamper like he asked you to do two days ago and tiptoe down the stairs.” This texted evidence proves my claim because it shows Nick getting ready for the day but the author uses…
England, but now she feels that she doesn’t belong to Pakistan anymore. Alvi cannot remember anything from her memory except from her “fifties photographs” At the end of the poem she states that “there were beggars, sweeper girls” and she was in that group. This portrays the image that she feels that she doesn’t belong to Pakistan or England, and she is lost and alone. “Presents from my aunts in Pakistan” has a very “confused” and “lost” tone. It also has a tone of loneliness which is shown…
In the beginning Bryson writes in second person. After I read the short story I found out that second person is not as interesting as first or third person because they make you believe that they are talking to you when they are not. Second person is where you write from inside the story but you are really not in the story; this is why it is not as interesting. When Bryson writes in second person I think it makes the story less interesting because we don’t get to know what he is think or what he…
Growing up in a private school, not going to lie, I have never been the person to feel out of place. I have always had my same friends and we always seemed to be the “cool ones,” as some people would say. Although I have never felt this type of pain I have certainly seen it. My eyes have witnessed racial discrimination plenty of times. In Sayed Kashua novel “Second Person Singular,” he used the main characters, Amir and the lawyer, to demonstrate how they can be a part of the Israeli community…
Ghassan Kanafani’s Men in the Sun, Sayed Kashua’s Second Person Singular, and Sahar Khalifeh’s Wild Thorns are literary works that depict the ways in which the Israeli occupation has changed and shaped the national identity of Palestinians. For instance, after being exiled from their homeland, Men in the Sun shows how three men are able to move forward after having lost everything in their lives. The protagonists in this novella are able to maintain their national identity even under the…
Since one of the members of that relay team was hurt, coach wanted me to replace that person to try to save the race. I ran a relay before but, never a 4x400 relay. Anyhow, after some convincing, I decided to go through with it. As we got to the starting line, I found out that I was going be the anchor of the race, the anchor is the last person of the relay. The ending of the race depended on my performance. I got even more nervous, but I had already given my word that I’d help, so I had no…
Assistant/ Person [10cm] Tape Risk assessment What are the possible risks/dangers when conducting this investigation? Risk/dangers include: Someone slipping on a ball and falling The ball may bounce on an angle making it hard to record its height Someone having a ball thrown at them Human errors (eg. the ball may not be dropped from the exact same height) What precautions will be taken to ensure the investigation is completed safely? No precautions are necessary as long as all present…
presents the important point that when a person numbs their vulnerability, they numb everything about their life, like feeling thankfulness and happiness. Instead of numbing once Vulnerability, People must let themselves to be seen, and believe in themselves that they are worthy of connection by expressing their vulnerability. She backs up her knowledge of vulnerability with her years of her studies and research, and also her own personal experiences. And I agree with her statements that people…
Personhood Eric Olson, E. Jonathan Lowe, and Lynn Rudder Baker each has different accounts for what a person is. In this paper, I will talk about their points of view on personhood and compare and contrast their ideas while talking about my own account on personhood. Olson believes that we are all animal. As a result a person is matter that has mental features. Matter is a physical substance that has mass and occupies space, as distinct from immaterial substance like mind and spirit. Mental…