Introduction There are various perceptions of salvation; including what it is and how it can be attained. In one of the most widely quoted passages of Acts, Luke lays out his belief of how salvation is found. He says: “Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). This research undertakes a critical analysis of this biblical verse with a view to understanding and showing what its author might have meant and the verse’s implication for the contemporary Christians. Background The message of salvation being presented by Luke comes at a time when Peter (together with John) had been arrested, detained overnight, and brought before the Sanhedrin the following day.1…
Salvation In religion, salvation is stated as the saving of the soul from sins and their consequences. But if one is already committed sins he/she has to repent first and confess that sin. Man, by nature, always seeks salvation either by living life without suffering or by death. Usually, salvation is related to faith in religion. If this faith is broken, somehow, religion is broken too. In Beckett’s plays, salvation means saves or protects from harm or awful conditions. Martin Esslin believes…
However, in the end, the truth will set you free. Nathaniel Hawthorne focuses on this theme throughout his novel, The Scarlet Letter. He portrays this theme by the use of descriptive narrative and symbolism. Multiple characters within this novel have a difficult time confessing their sins. The sins remain a secret and are locked away inside of them. Ultimately, Hawthorne conveys an ambiguous message to the readers that salvation may be earned only by being true to your beliefs and that…
The Wesley Understand of Human Salvation What is salvation? The salvation which is here spoken of is not what is frequently understood by the word, the going to heaven, eternal happiness. ……It is not a blessing which lies on the other side of death….it is a present thing….[it] might be extended to the entire work of God , from the first dawning of grace in the soul till it is consummated in glory (Maddox 143). Albert C. Outler noted that this sermon has the most extensive history of oral…
SOME time ago I preached upon the whole story of the dying thief. I do not propose to do the same today but only to look at it from one particular point of view. The story of the salvation of the dying thief is a standing instance of the power of Christ to save and of His abundant willingness to receive all that come to Him in whatever plight they may be. I cannot regard this act of Divine Grace as a solitary instance any more than the salvation of Zacchaeus, the restoration of Peter, or the…
27 million…27 million! people were helped in 2015, and 30 thousand annually! This is not luck the salvation army has reached out to all corners of the world, from Iowa to Taiwan and everything in between. Before you donate to any other charity consider this. The salvation army has a very wide variety of different causes you can put your money to, and the salvation army is not hard to find. Which means no matter where you are at there is a good chance you can hear someone ringing a bell this…
help from the Salvation Army last year”. (The Salvation Army USA) The Salvation Army is made to help all kinds of people in many different ways. They have programs that can help adults get back on their feet, help elderly get the help or love the need, and help the homeless find food and shelter. They also help combat human trafficking and help families reunite with each other. The Salvation Army is designed to help women, men and children get they need in times of desperation or emergency. The…
Poverty and human suffering has always been in the world. The Salvation Army has been one of the organization that has made a difference in social welfare, urban poverty, and teaching better lifestyles. Significant information collected through Salvation Army’s annual reports, scholarly journal articles and other articles is to provide a current review on how this organization have become successful and maintain its ‘success. A historical background expresses the beginning of the Salvation…
Soteriology is the study of Salvation and all the aspects that make up Salvation. Sin first originated in the garden of Eden in Genesis 3:6. Here Adam and Eve sinned and were thrown out of the garden and separated from God. However, God made a way for them to receive forgiveness and atonement through the sacrificing of animals, Leviticus 23:12. These sacrifices were pointing the way to when Jesus would come and die on the cross and be the ultimate sacrifice to take the sin of the world away. The…
Christ: Source of Our Salvation, relates to the video of the Road to Emmaus in many different ways. Firstly, God remains faithful to his people and to his promises (Pennock 74). When Jesus was crucified, many people wondered why this happened. The disciples Jesus met on the road to Emmaus wondered the same thing. Jesus assured them that in ancient scriptures, it was written that a messiah will be born and eventually killed. Another relation between the video and the course material is that Jesus…