Camden is a city with an infamous reputation. Its people are often stigmatized as being dangerous, criminals and immoral. Because of its notoriety many avoid going there. If by chance they have a need to be there, most would take care of their business, get out of town and would not consider speaking with a stranger on the street. The biblical city of the Samaritans had a reputation similar to the City of Camden. The Samaritans were looked upon as being vile, sinners. Those in surrounding communities, in particular Jerusalem and Judea, did not care to associate with them. One day a woman of Samaria went to draw water from the well in her city. Upon her arrival she met a man. He was neither from her city nor of her people. He was sitting on the well where she was to draw water. He asked her for water and began to engage her in a conversation about water. Imagine you are that woman having such a conversation with a complete stranger. Think about what would be going on in your mind – I don’t know this person; his people hate mine and he is asking me to give him water; before I could do so, he says he’s a gift from God so I should be asking him for water; he’s talking about giving me water that will make me live forever; he doesn’t have any means…
“In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 2 Timothy 2:20-21. Samaritans, tax-collectors, and children, are three groups of people groups that have one thing in common. Surprisingly, all these people were despised in Jesus’ time. However…
The Good Samaritan Law of Tennessee The Good Samaritan law provides legal protection for those who assist someone who is in some type of danger or someone who is already injured. Each and every state has some type of Good Samaritan law. “Tennessee’s Good Samaritan law provides protection for anyone who gives emergency rescue or first aid” (Simpson, n.d.). However, this law only protects a Samaritan under four circumstances. First, the person must only have one motive when providing aid; saving…
Part One Introduction The novel Siddhartha and the Parable of the Good Samaritan offer opposing views on what happiness is. In Siddhartha happiness is the feeling of peace that stems from enlightenment and realizing the infinite potential and interconnectedness of everything, while in the Parable of the Good Samaritan happiness is living compassionately and following the law of God. The Parable of the Good Samaritan The Parable of the Good Samaritan found in the Book of Luke has a model for…
importance because aside from the connotative physical and emotional benefits of more quality health, better health has even boosted the world’s economy by minimizing the economic losses from diseases such as HIV/AIDS (“Health and Development” 10). Organizations across the globe have made fruitful efforts to address this problem, however one organization in particular has proved consistently successful. Samaritan’s Purse successfully addresses this problem by equipping mission hospitals around…
Anyone who loathes his brother or sister is truly a murderer at heart. (1 John 3:15) If this is true, the Jews and Samaritans must have all been murderers. The Jewish people despised the Samaritans. So, the Samaritans returned the hatred and anger toward the Jewish people. The Samaritan people disgusted the Jews so much so, that the Jews would not even touch or be within reach of the Samaritans. The Samaritans lived a difficult life with so much hate pressed upon their backs, which followed them…
Introduction Suicide continues to be prevalent on a world-wide basis. Statistically speaking, 1 million people kill themselves each year which is the equivalent of about one person every 40 seconds (James & Gilliland, 2015). Working with clients who may be potentially suicidal is a challenging job for any skilled professional. Counselors are still struggling to understand suicide, to assess it in their clients, and to properly classify what suicide risk level their client is at presently.…
Do you characterize yourself as Good Samaritan or a fake? The struggle of identifying a person as a true Good Samaritan or not will always be tricky. It is not possible to identify someone’s true intentions on a specific situation, or characterize a certain individual’s good acts as either being forced or actually beneficial to another individual. Even though individuals can contribute in forced good deed acts to only benefit themselves, a true good Samaritan is someone who benefits others by…
chosen (you must be able to demonstrate that you can relate the specific study results to the general topic chosen) Biblical Integration of the Bystander Effect In the bible the best illustration of the bystander effect is the parable that Jesus tell of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. First of all, to portray a Samaritan as a positive person or in a positive light would be a shock to any audience in the presence of Jesus, Samaritans were not “good” to the Jews and the Scribes. However,…
which lead to the story of the Good Samaritan. Reading this story now may seem monotonous and boring, you may even say, there’s nothing new for me in that story. But let’s dive deeper. The word “Mythos” signifies a traditional or recurrent narrative theme. It also denotes the underlying system of beliefs characteristic of a particular cultural group. To begin to fully understand the story, we have to look at this narrative in the context of Jesus’ time, more specifically we have to look at the…