The Gospel of Luke was written in the mid-80’s AD in Corinth. It is the longest of the 4 gospels in the bible, and was possibly written by a woman who attributed it to Luke. Gospels are formed in three main stages. The first stage of the gospel development is the life and teachings of Jesus as he travelled through the country speaking, teaching, performing miracles and healing, which happened in the late 20’s AD. The second stage is about the post-resurrectional teachings by the apostles, and the Church's practices that grew out of preaching, such as the Eucharist. During these two stages of gospel formation, the gospels were orally transmitted through preaching. Stage three of the formation started when the disciples began to realise that Jesus may not come back in their lifetime, so they needed to preserve the stories, so the third stage is the actual writing and then editing of the gospels. At this point the transmission of the Gospel was through reading as well. Luke wrote this part with Gentile Christians as his audience- the reason for…
Though the Gospel of Luke does not directly mention the author, many scholars have a strong clue as to who it may be. The individual who wrote Luke, also wrote the book of Acts. The Gospel of Luke includes more than thirty years—the lifetime of Jesus on earth—from about 6 BC to about AD 30. Though it is uncertain exactly when the story was written, many guess in the AD 50s or 60s, placing it before Paul’s execution. With that being said, this would explain why Acts end without telling the…
The Bible has four gospels but, only two of them contain the nativity story. The two gospels that have the nativity story are the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke. Both are similar on a literary level which can be explained by the synoptic problem. The Gospel of Mark and the source “Q” were the basis of these two gospels. Matthew and Luke shared sources but, they had their individual sources too. The genealogy, the nativity, and the childhood of Jesus played significant roles within the…
compilation of the readings from week twelve (Perkins and Tyson) and thirteen (Perkins). Perkins’ chapter on the Gospel of Luke gave a detailed summation to several aspects of the good news written by the second-hand author. She of course begins by pointing out the dedication to Theophilus and its honorable admission as a work compiled by an indirect follower of Jesus. The author admits to not being present with Jesus and has in point of fact only had the tradition passed down to him/her from…
Jesus said, “The kingdom of the Father is like a woman. She took a little bit of yeast. She hid it in dough and made it into huge loaves of bread.” Question: A saying of Jesus similar to this one appears in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, but in two different narrative settings. Assuming that this saying originated in the life of Jesus, how might someone explain its journey from Jesus himself to the Gospels of Thomas, Matthew, and Luke, with reference to oral tradition, "Q," and the Two-Source…
The Broader Context: The Gospel of Luke In order to best understand how to properly interpret Luke 16:1-13, it is best to first read the passage in light of its surrounding context—the entire book of Luke. In his introduction, Luke clearly states his purpose in writing this gospel: “so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught,” (Luke 1:4). This is Luke 's purpose statement, but what is the truth the Luke is trying to demonstrate? The main theme Luke wants to…
The Gospel of Luke and Jesus in Our Lives Today The Gospel of Luke shows significant relevance to all aspects of our daily Christian lives whilst successfully reinforcing the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ. Through Luke’s Gospel, we can encounter Jesus firsthand and understand his teachings in depth in order to extensively implement them to live a God-fearing life and inspire others to do the same. Jesus is the bringer of salvation, good news and the Kingdom of God. He was the first to…
Pick one of the four Gospels and provide an approximate date for when it was written, background on its author, key themes and emphases, and other pertinent information about its purpose and scope, as well as important accounts or aspects that might be unique to it. Be clear in your answer. Ten Points. The Gospel of Luke was written in AD 55-60. The author is Luke himself, who is an apostle of Jesus Christ. Luke is a physician and close friends with Apostle Paul who would often times…
the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. Each story contains infancy narratives which educates us more about Jesus’ early life. With the vital elements given in the Gospels, we obtain more knowledge about the Annunciation, genealogy, visitors, other significance. The annunciation was when the angel Gabriel appeared before Mary and asked her to carry the son of God. Similar to the word “annunciation, the incarnation was announced at this time. In Luke’s Gospel, the annunciation began when Gabriel spoke…
There are many stories from the gospel of Luke that surprised me. One of the stories that stood out to me most was the story of Joseph and Mary. It is crazy to think how much trust Mary had for God’s plan. She was willing to do what he wanted her to do with little hesitation. One reason it stood out to me was because it should how faithful someone can be even at a young age. Often times, I find myself justifying my poor decisions on my age, such as not attending church regularly. Yet, Mary was…