Polygraph Testing is also known as the lie detector test. Some people believe that it can actually detect lies and others don’t. Polygraph test measures your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. The polygraph examiners assume that when a sudden increase in one of those sections that you are lying. If you stay calm then they assume you're telling the truth. Many things can change a sudden increase such as emotions or medical conditions. I feel that it is unethical to assume that someone is lying because of an increase in their HR, BP, or breathing. An attempt of murder case needed a polygraph test because they did not have any really good evidence or witnesses. The polygraph examiner started to question the suspect as the first question was asked “the needle recorded a violent fluctuation indicating a change in Breathing, BP, or HR. They asked the suspect another question and he answered then everything went back to normal. When their pulse goes up that indicates that they are lying. Also, could be caused by another reason that the polygraph examiner may or may not know. A polygraph test cannot be used as evidence. A polygraph is just as if fingerprint was found but wasn’t the suspect. “The lie detector test hadn’t gained approval from the scientific community and is inadmissible in court”. If you confess during a…
The second reason the authors underlying message of polygraphs being unreliable is effective is because, he states that they are not technologically sound. Polygraphs only provide certain information that has to be interpreted which can become difficult when dealing with important things such as murders as interpretation are not needed, straight facts are. Polygraphs are seen as devices that can give direct insight into whether a person is telling the truth or not but, this article shows that…
A polygraph, or a lie detector, is a device used to detect duplicity by replicating a subjects inner reactions on a scroll of paper. A subjects reactions to a particular yes or no question would then be recorded on to one of the multiple graphs the polygraph produced. Many people feel as if a polygraph is the key to figuring out whether a person is either innocent or guilty when investigating crimes such as murders but, what they may not know is that a polygraph cannot fully be trusted. In the…
lie detector testing and its accuracy have always been a controversial issue in both the scientific and public domains. In fact, despite the popularity that it has gained in the cultural realm over the years, the veracity of polygraph tests continue to plague our endless search for truth. Xenophanes once said, “Pure truth no man has seen, nor shall ever know.” While there may be some truth in this statement, man’s search for truth did not waver. Since the beginning of civilizations, man has…
A micro expression is a tiny facial cue that appears within one-fifth of a second. It is uncontrollable and shows an observer signs of every emotion. It shows signs of deceit as well. Usually these are undetectable, but with some training they can be detected and used in investigations. Therefore, facial micro-expressions should be admissible in federal investigations. We need a replacement for polygraphs, and micro-expressions are a fine candidate. The previously used lie detector, the…
(Innocence Project). They had the semen from the rape kit retested and the DNA was put through the databases that contains previously convicted individuals (Innocence Project). In September 2006 the DNA was matched to previously convicted murderer, Steven Cunningham, who was presently serving a prison sentence for the death of his girlfriend 's sister (Innocence Project). This resulted in Cunningham confessing to the murder of Angela and well as Deskovic being released from prison after being…
prolonged social contact with minors, an adult that is approved in advance by your treatment provider and is aware of your offense history and the behavioral rules that you must follow when around children must monitor you. -You shall not consume alcohol or use illicit substances, including prescription medication that is prescribed to another individual. -You shall not engage in any romantic/sexual behavior with any individual without my prior knowledge and approval. Mr. Lee, on 2/22/16…
Myth Behind the Polygraph Test Throughout history there has been many ways to try to determine if someone is lying or telling the truth being questioned for criminal offences. A few examples of tests that were used in the past before the polygraph test was invented include the rice test and the dunking test (Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, John Ruscio, Barry L. Beyerstein, 2010). The rice test was used by the ancient Hindus and the idea of it was that deception leads to fear and fear…
and alcohol use, health status, and other characteristics (Bennett-Alexander et al, 2015, p.161). A popular pre-employment test is the polygraph test (lie detector) “a voice stress analyzer and psychological stress evaluator used to detect honesty or dishonesty by measuring three physiological indicators of arousal: rate and depth of respiration, cardiovascular activity, and perspiration (Bennett-Alexander…
For the past 6 million years, some form of beings have been on the Earth. Throughout time, many things have changed, and those forms of beings have evolved into humans. One thing has remained the same over the years - the idea that in order to live functionally with each other, we need to tell the truth. However, not everyone chooses to do so. Luckily, technology has advanced enough for us to change that. The polygraph is one way to sight a lie. In 1921, medical student John Augustus Larson…