“basic units” of algebra [Allen]. These concepts undoubtedly, integrated and related many areas of mathematics, amongst these, topology, theory and analysis [Allen]. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra As the study of algebra became more expansive and necessary, it became of extreme importance to many other disciplines as well. And as remarkable mathematicians made new discoveries, algebra developed and progressed as a mathematical science. Prodigious individuals such as Descartes and Fermat were founders in the creation and development of analytical geometry, including theory on polynomials. Polynomial theory, thanks to Descartes, then became a topic of great interest. Therefore, algebra came to be identified with the “theory of polynomials” [Corry]. And so, the need to solve equations of a higher order than four, gave rise to the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The theorem states: “Every polynomial equation of degree n with complex coefficients has n roots in the complex numbers” [FTA]. Many mathematicians, such as, Leibniz, Euler, Laplace and D’Alembert attempted to prove this to no avail. It was not until 1799 that Gauss, Fig 1, provided the first complete proof to this theorem in his doctoral dissertation [FTA]. Gausses’ efforts led to the complex numbers of the form a + bi, which in turn led to fields and later to rings [Allen]. Figure 1, Carl Friedrich Gauss [4] Conclusion Algebra, as it is known today, encompasses a wide range of mathematics. In essence, it…
1. What are the least, and most, amount of distinct zeroes of a 7th degree polynomial, given that at least one root is a complex number? Answer: If the equation is 7th degree then it has 7 roots. Those roots can be complex or real. Complex roots always come in pairs, so if it has one, then it has 2, the other one being the conjugate of the first one. This in other words, if one complex root is a + bi, then the other complex root is a – bi. If at least one root were complex, then we would have a…
In 1540, a man by the name of Lodovico Ferrari, please be aware that I don’t think his name has anything to do with the sports car, was an Italian mathematician known for discovering the solutions to quartic functions. A quartic function is a function of the form ax^4 + bx^3 +cx^2 +dx+e, where a is a nonzero, which is defined by a polynomial raised to the fourth degree, called quartic polynomial. We will probably go more in depth about these quartic polynomials soon in class. My quartic…
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Entering the labor market or continuing education beyond a certain point is a very important individual level investment decision. An important determinant of the demand for education is its expected benefits. The benefits depend upon the value of an individual’s labour input, which in turn depends upon the level of education. Hence, the education-wage relationship can be used to measure the returns to schooling. The rural and urban sectors differ widely in terms of the education and employment…
Dungeons and Dragons defined my high school experience. My friends from the high school marching band and I would gather at my house every weekend to roll dice and visit the fantastic world of Loodle Loo. The world of Loodle Loo is the unique game-world in which my friends and I play. From eight grade, to senior year, to now, my sophomore year in college, my dear nerdy friends and I have spent every weekend we can going on wild (mis)adventures in Loodle Loo. The characters involved are original,…
Figure 4, shows the oscillation of our drop test. Once converting the millivolts to position we were able to develop a new polynomial curve of position vs. time of the free fall motion of the block, this is illustrated in Figure 5. To calculate the acceleration we must first the velocity of points in our data over a given period of time. To do this we used the equation, v= ∆x/∆t …
The History of Mathematics Almost from the beginning, math or rather counting has been part of human existence. Close to the time language was discovered, humans have be using there indexes to begin counting. Counting seasons, counting days, along with keeping track of passing time have all been a part of earlier human civilizations. Prehistoric artifacts dating back over 20,000 years have suggested that early humans made attempts to quantify time. Therefore, it is no accident, that the…
Table 2 shows that increasing performance decreases the probability of turnover, which is consistent with theory and literature. Bigger companies tend to have a higher probability of turnover. Higher power distance index is correlated with lower probability of turnover, meaning CEO is more secure and is being challenged less. Long Term Orientation leads to a lower probability of turnover. Having a long term orientation decreases as it gives CEO more time to improve her performance and makes…
Francisco Gutierrez 03.03 Linear Functions 1. The equation we have is 2x+3y=1200. The first thing you would need to do in the equation is subtract 2x to both sides. 2x cancels out and now we subtract 2x and 1200. You would end up getting 3y=2x-1200. Then finally, you would have to divide everything by -3. Your final answer for this question is y=-2/3x+400. Your slope is -2/3 and your y-intercept is 400. 2. So we know that our slope is -2/3 and the y-intercept is 400. You have one point on the…