chimpanzees and their use of tools. However, his argument that animals learn based on experience or observation is slightly more persuasive than his argument that animals are ruled by custom or instinct. One argument of Hume’s is that animals learn things based on experiences of cause and effect. He expands on this by giving an example of a horse not attempting to jump higher than it knows it can from past experience (Hume, pg. 68). This account of the reason of animals is persuasive because it can be seen as true…
Crack! The shell of an abalone breaks upon a rock after a sea otter repeatedly bangs the shell against the rock in order to retrieve the meat inside of it. Conducting an observation that validates sea otters’ use of tools would have to include the time and duration of the observation, the number of specimens to be observed, and a method of observation. The time and duration of the observation of the animal is a crucial element in the experiment. In “The Great Crow Fallacy,” the author states,…
August 22, 2014 Dr. Caryn Ito Associate Scientist Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Ottawa, ON Dear Dr. Ito: Enclosed is my work-term report entitled Summer 2014 Work-Term Report: My experiences as CO-OP student working in the Ito/Stanford Lab at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. It is a description of the workplace, sepsis and the Ito/Stanford Lab’s sepsis project, my role in the project, and the skills that I have obtained during this…
skills you know. Carpentry is difficult trade to do because you have a lot of work and safety skills you need to know before you become professional at it you got to know how to nail drive like knowing how to drive a nail in certain amount of hits you got to know how to use a saw to know what length or width you want to cut the wood need to know what size screw you need for the activity knowing how to read your ruler got to knowing what kind of screw you need to know safety tools need to know…
the roots of collective learning from the use of stone tools to the present and its potential in the future. When I look at the technology around me, my phone, my laptop, my car, I think about the effort and knowledge that went into creating these things. The same kind of effort and knowledge went into creating human societies, religions, legal systems, literature, and sciences. All of this is not the work of one man but the collective effort of millions of minds interacting…
Fitter Jobs Engineering maintenance fitter (or fitter for short) is a position that revolves around the installation, servicing, and repairing of engineering machinery. Should you choose to become a fitter you will work with electrical, mechanical, maybe even hydraulic equipment, showing that the field is truly one of variation. If you enjoy practical and manual work and are a skilled problem solver, then the career path of a fitter could be just right for you. Qualifications The most common…
From the beginning of humankind tools people have used for the use of survival and livelihood. One of the most useful but underrated tools ever invented, the tomahawk’s humble beginnings go back thousands of years to the days of wood and stone. Of all of the forms that this tool took, pipe tomahawks have received the least attention. The pipe tomahawk and the DeQuindre tomahawk both possess great and interesting traits. Though a form of the hatchet, the tomahawk has a slightly more elaborate…
INTRODUCTION TO FORENSIC SCIENCE I AND II (Lab Exercise #7) TO: Mr. Francis Burke, Forensic Science Laboratory FROM: Jason Skidmore, Scot Turner, Matthew Wills, and Martin Maldonado: Team Microsil SUBJECT: Tool Mark Impressions A. Description of Assignment This lab was divided into two separate days. On Tuesday, January, 26tht, 2016 in the Police Academy’s Forensic Lab Room 321 at 12:29 a.m., team Microsil began the first part of their Tool Mark Impressions lab. The first part was…
In discovering the capabilities of bonobos and chimpanzees making use of sophisticated pre-agricultural tools this potentially changes the way hominin evolution developed. Such usage of tools was once regarded as a particular characteristic of archaic pre-humans. Bonobos were observed performing complex action such as using tools to extract food, or using spears for attack or defense. Bonobos are similar to chimpanzees, but previously bonobos did not show a cultural diversity in use of tools as…
Background: The goal of this examination was to compare the suspect’s tools that were submitted to the markings that were found on seven (7) items of evidence. In order to determine if a tool that was submitted could have left a particular mark, class characteristics from both the tools and the mark were observed and recorded, as well as compared to one another in order to narrow down the list of potential tools that could have left a tool mark found on a given item of evidence. Some class…