The 40th chapter of Isaiah is difficult to interpret because of the ambiguity of the text. This chapter has caused numerous scholarly discussion leading to many different interpretations of the chapter. This paper will focus on verses one through eleven, answering questions regarding some of the difficulties of the text. A few questions that will be addressed are the following: Who is the speaker of the text? Is there multiple speakers in this passage? What is the main point of the message? Who is crying out in verses three and six? Answers to these questions will be provided by doing exegesis and looking at scholarly sources. Who is Speaking? The passage in Isaiah 40:1-11 is ambiguous which makes it difficult to know who is speaking throughout…
The Prophet Isaiah The Prophet Isaiah was a man dedicated to his mission (Radmacher, Allen & House, 2007, p. 1037). He lived in Jerusalem, and was called upon to deliver God’s message during the Assyrian crisis (Hays, 2010, p. 96). Isaiah delivered words of confrontation, exhortation, and warning. This made Isaiah unpopular among the people (Radmacher, Allen & House, 2007, p. 1037). Isaiah’s message was delivered during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, and all the kings of…
Introduction Isaiah, son of Amoz, was a prophet of Yahweh whose revelations to the nation of Judah are accepted as part of the biblical canon in the Old Testament. Isaiah was both a husband, and a father of at least two sons; Shear-Jashub and Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (Isaiah 8:3-4). Isaiah was commissioned by the Lord and served Yahweh faithfully as a prophet from approximately 740 B.C.- 700 B.C. Isaiah’s ministry officially began after his vision of the Throne Room of God in Isaiah 6, towards the…
Introduction & Main Theme The historical interlude, Isaiah chapters 36-39, surrounds the military might of two parties: Hezekiah, king of Judah and the Assyria king Sennacherib. The Assyrian king sends his messengers to Hezekiah to frighten him to distance himself from God and to rely upon Assyria. Isaiah is called in to prophesize to Hezekiah. God gives him signs. Sennacherib ends up dying. Hezekiah also suffered from an illness, which he recovered in his health by God. Ironically, he…
Isaiah Berlin was a Russo-British Jewish social and political theorist and a historian of ideas. He was born June 6, 1909 in Riga, Latvia. He was the son of a successful timber merchant and land owner. His family moved to St. Petersburg where he was an eyewitness to the Russian Revolution. His family then emigrated in 1921 to London where the family had business interests. As a young boy, Isaiah was known as Shaya and had his bar mitzah. In his high school years he attended St. Paul’s in London…
The passage of Isaiah 53 (4-8), for many centuries has been summed up as a poetic song in which the prophet Isaiah depicted the climatic period of world history in which the coming Messiah will arrive. In today’s culture this view is again reoriented in that many Christians alone see this passage to be a prophecy of the ministry in which Jesus Christ will walk. When looking into the passage, Christians see the ‘servant’ as Jesus, and his suffering for our sins, and the sacrifice he made for us.…
According to Harris’ Exploring the Bible, “...the Book of Isaiah represents and incorporates the three principal themes or concerns of Israel’s prophets: warnings of divine judgement, promises of forgiveness and reconciliation, and responsibilities of restoration” (163). However, what sets the book of Isaiah apart from the other prophet books is that it is actually compiled of three different prophets. These three prophets correspond with different periods of Judean history which take place…
The book of Isaiah the prophet begins with a third-person verse identifying the name of the book's visionary, and ends not only with a prophetic word of hope for God's chosen people, but also with an oracle of warning to those who do evil. Sixty-six chapters are contained in this book, making it the lengthiest writing among all the prophetic works in the Old Testament. In addition, it is also the book most quoted in the New Testament.1 Jewish tradition lists Isaiah among the “Latter Prophets,”…
of the Prophet Isaiah is very dramatic. In the center, the painting depicts the moment when a seraph purifies Isaiah’s lips with live coal. In the Bible, Isaiah focuses on his “unclean lips” from speaking sins in the past and how those sins would make it impossible to speak the word of Yahweh. To make it so that he could receive the gift of utterance, the seraph purified his lips (Armstrong 42). This gave Isaiah the ability to purely convey the words he will be asked to speak and if it had not…
Week #13 Reading Response Question 1: What did I learn about the nature and activity of God? In Isaiah 1:18-20 God sees the sins of the people of Israel and they are scarlet colour, but He promises to make them white as snow I 'd the will only obey Him. He will even feed them. However God tells Israel if they don 't listen to Him, they will be devoured by their enemies. God was revealing the need for Israel to rely upon Him. He was demonstrating that they need to depend on Him or be vanquished…