The story of two kings and one’s jealousy leads to the want of the other dead. He turns away from God. The people are warned what would happen if they were given a king to rule them. Saul was chosen to become king but the most the people rejected him from the start. After Saul’s sin, God anoints a new king to one day take his place, David. David will become the better king over Saul. After David’s reign, another king takes charge and divides the Israel due to his sin against God. God has plans for everyone; people are given the option to follow God’s ways. When man goes against God or refuses to listen to God’s advice, there are always consequences. The human race has a wanting urge to conform with society; if there is another state, country, nation that is doing something a different way human tend to follow that pattern. This was occurring even back in biblical times. In 1 Samuel 8:4 the elders of Israel came to Samuel requesting for a king for the fact that Samuel was getting old in age and other nations around them had kings (Stamps and Huffman 2007). God has Samuel warn the people about what the king would do if they were to have one. “But the people refused to listen to Samuel. ‘No!’ they said. ‘We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.’” (1 Samuel 8:19). This was their ideal king, one that would fight their battles; this was the opposite of what kind of king God was going to…
During the time of Samuel, why did the people of Israel desire a king? Saul, David, and Solomon are the most well-known kings of Israel, and the common attribute that each king either excelled in or struggled with was obedience. Obedience is what God asked from each king; unfortunately, not every king obeyed the commands of the Lord. Originally, they were not supposed to a king, but the people of Israel did not trust God and wanted to follow other nations. Samuel at the time was getting old and…
Introduction: Saul was vulnerable in the cave with David and his men. They were ready to kill him but he spares his life and just cut off the corner of his robe. David said that he had the opportunity to kill him but he said that his hand will never be against him. Lead Though Questions: David and his men were far back in the……… (Cave.) I will give your enemy to you’re…….. (Hands.) I said, ‘I will not lay my hand on my lord because he is the LORD’s ………. (Anointed).’ Spiritual Questions: Why did…
Though not godlike themselves, but rather divinely chosen, the kings of ancient Hebrews were representatives of god. Not only they had responsibilities for their subjects, but were viewed as superhuman. King was a military leader who fought for the safety and security of his people. A king served justice in between people; they are the top judge in their land, they are the defenders of the helpless and they are the abandoners of the individuals with the injustice behaviors. A king was one that…
The story of David was about a flawed man that couldn't be ignored. The rise of David's power showed that he was both a military and a political genius. David grew up in a family of royal history. It was said that the house of Jesse, David's father, was a house of wealth, scholarliness, generosity, and responsibility. David's rise to power all began with God appearing to Samuel, one of Saul's advisees, and telling him to travel to Bethlehem, where he would find the next of kin in Jesse's family.…
Qualities that good leaders should have are courage, trustworthiness, and wisdom. Odysseus in the Odyssey and Samuel, Saul, and David in the Books of Samuel, all display these characteristics. Most people think that a leader is supposed to be perfect and have no flaws but that is not true. Odysseus, Samuel, Saul and David all had their own faults while leading but they still managed to lead victoriously. The first quality that a good leader should have is courage. Courage is the ability to do…
Book Report on A tale of Three Kings A tale of three kings is an in depth story about King David, King Absalom, and King Saul. G. Edwards has mastered the authorship of styles and techniques of leadership. He describes how the process they went through to become king, the brokenness they experienced and the familiar question was raised about what type of king you are or will become. At least once in everyone’s lifespan will experience a form or pain and brokenness. Whether from loss of family…
God imparts a lesson on rulers both secular and theocratic by allowing the people of Israel to defy His wishes that He would be their only God and leader. God allows them to be led by a king, albeit one whose appointment comes with His approval. God conveys a lesson in the books of Samuel, to all rulers that can be seen through a close comparison of the two kings He chooses, Saul and David. The decisions, motivations, and experiences had by these kings show significant differences and the…
First we must look at Michal in 1 Samuel to gain insight on possible motives for despising David in 2 Samuel. It starts out looking quite positive when she is introduced to the narrative, as it states “Saul’s daughter Michal loved David” and it also mentions that this pleased Saul. The reason why it pleases Saul is because people would be trying to kill Saul, and to find out this great warrior David is Saul’s son-in-law, they would also want to capture and kill him as well. However, it is never…
the Samuel 1, where Saul has been abandoned and David has been chosen to be the new king due to Saul’s arbitrary replacement on the priesthood and careless overriding of the boundary God assigns to the kingship. (Samuel 1, Bible, King James Version) In contrast with Saul, however, the new King David fully apprehends the boundary of his kingship and never has a moment to infringe the God’s will. In addition, God’s expectation on king’s inward qualities originates from the failed appointment he…