Film in the 1940’s focused on lying, crime, and mystery. This particular style of film is now known as Film Noir, which focused on the dark side of humanity. Certain elements are needed to properly display a true film noir film. Double Indemnity (1944) is a film that focuses on insurance agent Walter Neff. Due to the dark events that take place throughout the film, several elements of film noir were used in the filming of this movie. Double Indemnity utilized film noir by setting a dark mood, high-contrasts shots, and villainous characters. The setting elements established in Double Indemnity are excellent demonstrations of film noir style and certainly add to the mood of the film. The movie takes place in downtown L.A, which is perfect for…
This essay will provide an overview of a clip from the beginning of the movie Double Indemnity. The clip has a runtime of two minutes and thirty-three seconds and contains five shots in total. This paper will provide an in-depth analysis of each shot in the clip. It will examine the types of camera angles used, the lighting direction and the composition of objects and figures on the screen. The elevator encounter between Walter Neff and the Watchman in the first scene is a two-shot captured at…
Double Indemnity, directed by Billy Wilder in 1944, is often regarded as the first ‘true’ film noir in film history (Caldwell, 2008). The questionable anti-hero Walter Neff operating in the underground world of murder and fraud, accompanied by Phyllis Dietrichson who adds a further element of adultery and desire, creates an unmistakable atmosphere of danger and passion (Bitoun 2014). The original story of Double Indemnity was published as an eight-part serial in Liberty magazine during the…
In 1992, Billy Wilder’s 1944 film Double Indemnity was preserved by the Library of Congress for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” It is clear that the film has had a major impact in cinema but it was created to protest Los Angeles but suffered many hurdles to complete. However, Double Indemnity would effectively jump start the noir movement and influence cinema to this day. When Double Indemnity was first played in theaters audiences and critics reacted in shock…
James M. Cain’s Double Indemnity, published in 1935, was adapted into a film in the year 1944. This film brought in over $5.7 million in gross net, changed how Hollywood censored films and shaped the path for numerous controversial films to soon be produced. Although Double Indemnity left its impact, the strict Production Code prevented the film adaptation from reaching the full potential sent forth by the book. In her book, Blackout, film noir critic Sheri Chinen Biesen explains how the Motion…
The idea that love can change a person is truly evident in the classic film noir, Double Indemnity. Walter Neff, an insurance salesman develops feelings for his clients’ wife, Phyllis Dietrichson. Together they team up to commit a murder; the murder of her husband. This progression is shown through three different cinematography components: lighting, camera angles, and composition. Over the course of 107 thrilling minutes, Walter Neff becomes a whole new person due to his relationship with…
Many professions require their members to carry basic liability insurance coverage. Anyone from a contractor, mechanic, and even construction worker is in a position to potentially need this type of coverage. Basic liability insurance provides a layer of protection that normally covers an individual for personal, bodily and property damage in the case of flawed workmanship (Joel, 2013). Beyond this basic coverage is professional liability coverage. Professional liability insurance or…
it can be well stated that such agreements are of extreme importance while limiting legal agreements. Hence, with help of a hold harmless agreement form, you can surely get an idea as to how to write a hold harmless agreement. How to write a hold harmless agreement? Have you decided on framing your own agreement letter? In such a scenario, there are certain important aspects that need to be taken into consideration. Preamble: This includes details of the parties, both the promisor and the…
Obsession Leads To The Downfall Of Walter Huff An obsessive love for women can blur boundaries, turning passion into something so dangerous it could end another individual's life. Walter Huff is an insurance broker in Los Angeles during the 1930s who falls in love with Phyllis Nirdligner at first sight when she asks him about opening an accident policy for her husband. Walter knows exactly what she intends to do with the policy, so he offers to help her kill her husband. After committing the…
Before I actually watched Double Indemnity, I asked myself, “What is the dictionary definition of double indemnity?” I wanted to know, based on the movie title, what the premise of this film would be. I wanted to be able to have a sense of what I would be watching before I actually watched it so that I would not be lost throughout the whole movie. So, I opened up google, typed “double indemnity definition” into the google search bar, and found the answer to my question. To my surprise, after…