Throughout history there has always been a problem with the discrimination of people of different color, sexual orientation, gender, and other historically persecuted groups in the United States. The solution that colleges, including Hillsborough Community College to prevent any discrimination towards students in which they have started to implement speech codes that regulate what can and cannot be said on campuses. Under the 1st amendment all speech is protected no matter how offensive or hurtful they might be and these speech codes violate these students’ rights. The policies at HCC towards hate speech also infringe on students ' right of freedom of speech and expression. One of the main points that is promoted is that college allows students to freely express their views and opinions to create a more diverse environment. Even one of the policies in the student handbook at HCC under disruptive conduct states “Intentionally interfering with the freedom of expression of others.” Which is a contradiction to the other policies which have profane expressions under “Harassment/Stalking.” Based on all of the policies students only have freedom of expression that is politically correct and does not offend other students. Colleges are only encouraging censorship by protecting the expressions in…
a human instinct (Hanna, 2004). The natural tendency of humans to judge their encounters is essentially based on morality, which serves as a foundation on which two major sets of beliefs adhere: conservatism and progressivism (Haidt, 2008). People with a preference for traditional perspectives and dismiss innovation are referred to as conservatives (Heath, 2010). These individuals place higher values on authority, in-group, and purity, which are three of the five moral foundations proposed by…
What is a foundation? A foundation is a non-profit organization that supports charitable activities in order to serve a common good. Foundations are often created from contributions made by individuals, families or even corporations. Foundations can make investments from the money donated and later issue grants and various types of support through operating essential programs. Foundation focuses on the objectives through which they are formed. However, some foundations have a general welfare…
Education is about life of each individual person working as a tool for supporting social and economic development of all. Education empowers people with the knowledge of realizing the value of human pride and destiny. Through education, people can contribute as active members of the society in which they live as well as citizens of a large global society, socially, economically and politically. Education empower learners and lead them to the right judgment pertaining their lives, learn their…
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) plays a significant role in determining certain points of a child with a disability’s life. Response to intervention (RTI) determines the student’s behavior requirements, which is supported by three significant tiers. Additionally, the evaluation and eligibility of a student is also crucial in creating a successful life and future for the individual. The student would not have various opportunities throughout his or her lifetime without the…
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was established in the year 1999 when Bill Gates combined three charitable family foundations. Today, it is the largest private foundation worldwide, and “the largest transparently operated private foundation in the world” (Bates, 2010). The foundation is worth an estimated $40 billion, which makes it the richest charitable trust in the world. The foundation follows a guiding principle “…that every life has equal value”, and, therefore, focuses its…
Imagine right at this moment you had to take a math test about what you learned in middle school, how well do you think you would do? What is so upsetting, is that many of you, probably do not feel that confident in your ability to pass that test or at least struggle completing it. For some of you, we will give you some slacks as it's been a few years or maybe even decades since middle school, but what is the point of having that education if you are not going to retain the information. It's…
Their commitment is Research on best practices, practice management, and MFT community—to strengthen the practice of marriage and family therapy and support the work of clinicians, educators and researchers Promote education in systemic and relational practices. Engage in outreach to increase awareness of the marriage and family therapy practice and profession. Their programs, Over the past years, AAMFT Research & Education Foundation has been granting and supporting the current and next…
Common Core: A Nationwide Tragedy Common core began in 2009 as a set of standards created to get every student in the country on the exact same level. Common core was largely written by two men who were hired by the Gates Foundation, these men had no experience in K-12 teaching. The federal government believes that common core will unite the educational systems of the states and bring the students of the nation to an educational knowledge peak. Common core is a good idea in theory, but the…
The book, The Education of African Americans, was edited by Charles Willie, Antoine Garibaldi, and Wornie Reed. The book was copyrighted in 1991 by the William Monroe Trotter Institute which is located at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. The ISBN number is 0-16569-018-9 and the type of book is non-fictional since it discusses facts, real events, and real people regarding the historical perspectives of African Americans within the educational system. The author, Charles Willie’s,…