Expected shortfall

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    Potential Investment Project 3 The third investment that Indian River’s management team asked Constand Consulting to analyze and discuss involves choosing between two different projects, W and C, which are systems of disposing of wastes associated with another product, frozen grape juice. Both systems have an estimated three-year useful life; the project selected will probably be repeated at the end of its life into the foreseeable future. Since the waste disposal projects have no impact on revenues, Indian River’s management team has asked that the relevant cost of the two systems be analyzed. Attachment 10 (page XXX) shows the expected net costs and other supporting information for the two projects. Project W requires more workers…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    expectations can influence time management, work ethic and general attitude toward a class. Over the first block of this course there has been a significant difference between expectation and reality which has shaped my performance to some extent. As an illustration of this look no further than my first thoughts on the class regarding workload. During the first meeting I was instructed that there would be no more than 75 pages of reading a night, a number that initially threw me. Since, on most…

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    Improved Essays
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    forms of communication, self-disclosure is a process that takes place between people who are getting to know one another. It can be messy- being vulnerable is rarely comfortable- but it is vital in establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with others and with oneself. We gradually build up to more hard-hitting questions as trust develops, and for this to happen, both people need to show their vulnerable sides. This exchange is called the social penetration theory, and it states that…

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  • Improved Essays

    wasn’t just a dress. It was much more. My parents had to understand.I thought they would. They did not. In my hopeful heart I thought maybe, just maybe, they would buy this beautiful dress for me for Christmas. I hadn’t asked for anything big. They had tricked me like this before. They promised me I would not get an American Girl Doll for Christmas when I was eight, but sure enough there was the retired American Girl Doll of my dreams sitting under the tree. I expected this to be another…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    We can use a variable, such as X to indicate the possible payouts. There are two possible outcomes, “heads” and “tails”. The payout you receive if the coin lands “heads” is $20, and we write: XH = $20. Similarly, if the coin lands “tails” you get nothing,“) ‘In this simple case, the expected value is given by the equation: E(X) = ( pH x XH ) + ( pT x XT ) ⇔ E(X) = ( x 20 ) + ( x 0 ) ⇔ E(X) = ( 10 ) + ( 0 ) ⇔ E(X) = $10.00 . after you evaluate your mother’s offer. You find out that the expected…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Authors criticize society by presenting characters who are somehow trapped or imprisoned. In The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, Louise Mallard is trapped in an unhappy marriage. After some initial sadness, Mrs. Mallard experiences a newfound sense of freedom when she is told that her husband has died in a railroad disaster. The story comments on the expectation of American women to pursue marriage and motherhood instead of seeking an education and a job in late 19th century American society.…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Reflection Essay 3 “Speaking up at work” • The company experienced steady growth over the years including during the meltdown of the global economy. However, we felt we had to anticipate a possible future financial impact and looked at ways to reduce cost significantly. One of the projects was to outsource the manufacturing operations located in Canada to Mexico. The project had expected savings of millions of dollars and would help fund R&D to develop new technologies. I was in total support…

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    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    In Marge Piercy’s narrative poem, “Barbie Doll”, the story of a young girl is told from the viewpoint of an outside speaker watching her grow up around the norms of society and ultimately ends her life because of it. Throughout each stanza, a new important piece of information is expressed to the readers to contribute to both the theme and tone of the poem. Piercy is able to cultivate the idea that inward beauty is not valued in today’s society, and that artificial perfection can only be…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    College as a whole is not at all what I expected it to be like, just because I was able to wake up early for highschool it doesn’t even equal up to waking up early for a college class. Being a freshman I didn’t know what to really expect from college except from what I seen on tv. I’m a biology major currently taking five classes, Biology 131, Biology 160, Core 101, Math 138, and University 100. I was originally in six classes, but to take some of the load off that I had I decided to withdraw…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    expectations have changed over the years, Women were expected to take care of the children. Women were held with double standards. Doyin Richards uploaded a picture of himself taking care of his children, the internet has mixed feelings about the photo. Klein’s girlfriend is able to defend herself. In “Who’s Cheap?’by Adair Lara, men are expected to pay for things.”When a Women Says No” by Ellen Goodman, what a women does/wear does not matter, when she says no that is it. Modern Expectations…

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