Both talk about through change and self-determination, one can achieve greatness; not only for themselves, but for the people surrounding them. Malcolm X was a self-driven man who wanted to empower people, like Elijah Muhammad, but he knew he needed education to speak properly. Plato talked about a prisoner who if set free from his restraints and introduced to enlightenment, would take every step possible to pursue knowledge. When I realized I wanted to own my own businesses and be an entrepreneur, my self-driven mindset helped me pursue every opportunity to educate myself and achieve my goals. Through hard work and dedication, I will achieve my goals just like Malcolm X and Plato. In the essay, “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato, the prisoners chained to the wall have no frame of reference to the outside world. The only visible light is in the form of a slight flicker coming from the fire behind the wall to where they are chained. They can only see their…
Can Malcolm X be remembered as a fallen hero or a criminal? Analyzing Malcolm X’s life events, Malcolm X was surrounded by trouble since he was young. These troubles resonate through Elijah Muhammad accusation, FIB allegation and MMI disloyalty. Malcolm X had a criminal pass that follows him until his death. Therefore, Malcolm X dies as a criminal, not as a hero. What does Malcolm X’s death represent? It represents Malcolm X different phases of his life. He was known for Homeboy, Jack Carlton,…
religion of Islam and upon his release, in 1952, met with the leader of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad. This meeting impacted Malcolm greatly, as Elijah Muhammad was, in Malcolm’s mind, his savior. After assuming the moniker Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad provided him the opportunity to preach the beliefs of the NOI, which resulted in decades of hundreds to thousands of eager listeners. Malcolm X found refuge in the teachings of Elijah Muhammad. After developing a special affection for…
Hospital in Kalamazoo leaving Malcolm and his sibling in various foster homes. By 1941 he moves to Boston to live with his halfsister' Ella Collins' and gets a lot of jobs and is exposed and is involved criminal activities. After that he goes back to Boston and given a three months and a year on probation. He return to Harlem, new York and convicted of larceny, breaking and entering, and carrying a weapon. He was sentenced to eight to ten years in Charlestown prison. During that time he begins…
day. That’s why I believe that everything is written.” (p. 152) These comments show the reason behind his discussion of his hustling life, that he was ashamed of what he did but he approved of it solely for the purpose that it brought him to Allah. This also shows how significant the religion of Islam was in his life, that he was willing to endure what he did just to ensure that he would join it. The significance of Islam is shown to a greater effect when he talks about the decline of this…
Malcolm X is quite possibly one of the greatest intellectuals of the 20th century. From the cadence of his speeches to the thick black glasses he would always sport, he became one of the most notable figures during his lifetime. Malcolm X was not born with that name but instead was born as Malcolm Little from Omaha, Nebraska in 1925 to Earl and Louise Little. Malcolm X was a fearless Muslim revolutionary thinker and social warrior who helped lead a group of disenfranchised people think for…
He drops out of Middle school and eventually, became a street criminal in Harlem NY. During this time, his childhood beliefs are consistent. He began dating girl named Laura who was deeply in love with her. Malcolm leaves her heart broken when he leaves her for a white female named Sophia. With Sophia on his side, Malcolm began drug dealing, gambling and robbery. In 1946, he is arrested and sentences to a lengthy sentence. His prison stint is a history changing moment; since that’s where…
think independently and later inspires Malcolm to submit his life over to God. Malcolm second conversion occurs when we begins to practice the Islamic religion by preaching sermons to a few people, then a dozen, and soon enough he was preaching to thousands. Malcolm X became the voice of the Islamic nation. At this point in Malcolm’s life he has conquered great odds. He has become a popular character in the crusade of justice and equal opportunities for all races. Malcolm soon…
with him for the rest of his life. Earl little was a Baptist minister and a Pan-African activist. His role model was the Famous Black Nationalist and Pan African activist Marcus Garvey. Garvey’s teaching were circulated throughout the little home. He preached black pride and strength amongst his children. At the age of six, Malcolm’s father was brutally murdered by the white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan. As he got older, Malcolm began getting involved in drugs. By 1946, was sent to prison…
people that had done him wrong through his life- the Swerlins, Mr. Oskowski, and the white judge that gave him an unfair sentence. This structure helped contribute to the power of the text. He also spent almost all of chapter 10 learning more about Mr. Elijah Muhammad. This shows his transformation to becoming more and more curious into the teachings of Elijah Muhammad. Chapter 11 shows an enormous development in Malcolm X. The author’s purpose in this chapter is to show a change in Malcolm…