The structure of the book starts off with a story before Malcolm X was born. Immediately, the …show more content…
Examples of this systemic oppression is given on page 93, “...instead, black victims of the white man’s American social system.”. This shows that Malcolm X’s development has turned into a victim of the “white man’s American social system”, and now that he is living in Harlem he is finally realizing this. He realizes that systemic oppression is what has gotten the ghettos to form, because of the lack of opportunities given to African Americans. He shows this on page 93 when he says “In the ghettoes the white man has built for us, he has forced us now to aspire greater things, but to view everyday living as survival,”. The author’s purpose in this chapter was to use systemic oppression in his content to make his purpose …show more content…
He admits that he had never told anyone about his past because he didn’t want people to think that he was proud of what he did. He says “To understand that of any person, his whole life, from birth, must be reviewed.” (pg. 153). By this, Malcolm means that he doesn’t want people to think that he wanted to like this just because of nothing. The author’s purpose up to now is to show Malcolm X’s life up to this point. To show that this is what life forced him to be, and that is what contributes to the beauty of the text. He explains that “everything that ever happened to us is an ingredient.” (pg. 153). The reader can also see his transformation of when he was a thug or hustler to when he found Allah and the religion of