Their reasoning behind why they test on animals is to protect humans from potentially being harmed by products. But the big question is, that is sometimes overlooked is, is it ethical? The answer to that is no. With animal testing, animals are forced to digest cleaning products, inhale toxic fumes, forced to have harsh chemicals put in their eyes several times, and forced to mutilated while still alive to see their reactions ( Animals are forced to suffer for hours, days, and years until their…
can they reason? nor, can they talk? but, can they suffer?”(qtd. in Should). Millions of animals endure human product testing. Even though they are not as advanced as humans they can still feel and suffer. Common human products are tested on them in different test dealing with toxicity. These tests are unnecessary, costly, and don’t predict reliable results but the truth is ignored. Animals are very different than humans and the millions of dollar spent to test products are wasted on…
animals, however, they will never be the same as the diseases that occur naturally in humans. The results of animal testing are misleading and do not improve human health. It only prolongs the discovery of effective cures for people who are suffering. It is proven that “Nine out of ten drugs that appear promising in animal studies go on to fail in human clinical trials” (American Anti-Vivisection Society). Likewise, the results of experiments performed on research animals can be easily…
humans, the lives of animals become irrelevant. If animal testing has a chance to prevent things such as child dormancy, humans don’t care what is happening to the animals. Another reason people are in favor of animal testing is that researchers claim to be using the safest and most harmless ways to test on the animals and that the testing will work because gene resemblance is so close to humans. While these people may have their opinions, it is irrelevant. More than 85% of animal testing…
was written to show how inhumane our civilization is for using living creatures as test subjects. The passage was dedicated to every lab…
experiments became widespread (Orlans 3). With the dissemination of this phenomenon, the popular conscience grew and became a worldwide issue (Orlans 3). Nowadays, animals are used to test medicines that can cure human diseases, but also are used to understand and prevent some of those diseases such as cancer or heart problems. Additionally, some companies use animals to test products, such as toothpaste…
table and your eyes are forced open as chemicals are poured into them. Your heart pounds, your breathing is rapid, you can 't blink and your eyes tear up, and your eyes turn red, swell, discharge, ulcerate, or hemorrhages, then you are killed. The Draize eye test, a test where chemicals are poured into a rabbit’s eye to test for irritancy, is cruel and is not a reliable test for humans. A rabbit 's eye has several anatomical differences to a human 's eye so the results would be inaccurate…
and infested with different diseases. Now, think of a dog; this dog is named Libby. She is suffering from many issues, including hookworms, tapeworms, infections, and rotted teeth. She is beaten by lab workers and forced to endure all of this to test the safety of a product for people like you (PETA, 2011). A huge problem facing the world is how many animals are cruelly tested on internationally for cosmetics. If nothing is done to stop this, millions of innocent animals will be killed, results…
What is animal testing used for and why? Animal testing is used and required by the United States government to test the safety of drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and various consumer products. Additionally, animals are commonly used in the practice of medical and military training. Government agencies that heavily rely on animal testing are the U.S. Military, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Transportation (DOT), and the…
The Draize test, devised in 1944 is a widely used test that predicts human ocular irritancy by using laboratory animals, primarily albino rabbits. A substance is applied directly into the albino rabbit’s eye or to the surrounding skin to identify its likely effect on the corresponding human tissues based on direct visualization (Mitjans, Infante & Vinardell, 2008). Due to advances in ocular technology, the precision, validity, need and relevance of the Draize test is being challenged…