Tom Regan “The Case for Animal Rights” The term inherent value is a state in which a being is more than just an object; it professes that any being has inherent value equally. Tom Regan uses the inherent value term to defend his case for animal rights by stating that animals possess these inherent rights and that it is justifiable to abolish the use of animals in science, hunting, and agriculture, etc. There are three main views to argue Regan’s inherent values term. One can argue against him by placing the idea of moral values upon him, the idea of acting to gain freedom, and the concepts of rationality and social context. First, one might place the idea of moral values on Regan to argue against his case of inherent value that protects…
In “The Case for Animal Rights,” Tom Regan writes about his beliefs regarding animal rights and states certain goals for the animal rights movement. He believes animals have inherent value and are equal to humans and all living beings. Regan has an abolitionist position clearly shown in his distaste for the way animals are treated and goes on to tell us about the fundamentally wrong system of using animals as a resource. Regan argues this position and gives solid reasoning to support his claims…
s book The Case for Animal Rights, philosopher Tom Regan argues that animals have rights due to their inherent value, which means that by existing and experiencing life, animals should be given rights equivalent to those of humans. Philosopher Carl Cohen counters that since nonhuman animals lack the capacity for moral judgments, they cannot have rights, yet we still have obligations to them. Philosopher Mary Warren, too, disagrees with Regan's stance, criticizing his use of obscure terms and…
animals have the same right to life and protection from suffering, as well as any other creature that can feel pain. Doctor of Philosophy, Tom Regan, justifies animal rights from the standpoint of logic. In his article “The Radical Egalitarian Case for Animal Rights”, the author takes a firm stance on this issue and claims that almost all human relationships with animals have the exploitative nature. At the same time, animals have the right to meet the needs and the implementation of their…
Tom Regan discusses four different ways for how not to answer moral questions and he argues that none of the ways that he discusses is an appropriate way of doing so. While Mary Midgley argues that moral reasoning requires the possibility of judging the customs of other cultures. Tom Regan and Mary Midgley both discusses the importance of morality and the different ways one can or can’t answer moral questions. On page 384, Regan identifies some ways on how not to answer moral questions, such as,…
One is from philosopher Peter Singer and the other person is Tom Regan. Singer 's view is a utilitarian defense of animals. Signer states that, "we should give the same respect to the lives of non-human animals as we give to the lives of humans, and that all animals, human and non-human, are equal." (Singer, 1974). Tom Regan, is known for his articles on animal rights and similar related issues. His argument is extensively laid out in his 1985 The Case for Animal Rights. Regan states that…
it is morally wrong to produce animals for food. I will do this by appealing to Leopold’s views on “the land”. First I will explain three views on animal rights by philosophers Tom Regan, Peter singer and Aldo Leopold. Tom Regan believes that each subject of life is an individual that cares about his or her life, therefore that life has inherent value. This inherent value is equal among all who have it, and one cannot have more inherent value than another. We should treat these subjects with…
right to own guns and use them for defense. Even having the right of speaking our minds when something seems wrong or isn’t right. But when it comes to animals they don’t have the voice to speak against someone/thing. That is why there have been organizations and groups to fight for their rights and to take care of them. In the article The Rights of Humans and Other Animals was a good way to depict moral judgement 's and rights between humans and animals. The little introduction paragraph was…
be assumed that these viewers do not understand how these animals get to these parks. Dolphins are captured from their natural habitats and forced to live in these conditions. In addition to using these creatures only or profit and entertainment, the actual form of capturing is harmful to the mammal as well. “The capture of wild dolphins and whales is violent, cruel and disruptive to entire communities of cetaceans and ecosystems in which they live,” (Habitat and Humanity). Forcing dolphins to…
Eden Curd Student ID: 1155485 The Moral Case of Animal Rights- Through Tom Regan’s Lens This Environmental Ethics paper is concerned with ethical and moral questioning around the relationship of humans to the natural world. This includes exploring the value and rights of the non-human world. In this assignment I explore Tom Regan’s position on the moral case of animals in regards to Val Plumwood’s account of surviving a crocodile attack. I will be using Tom Regan’s deontological stance to…