Good afternoon my fellow students and teachers, today I’ll be analysing and demonstrating to you how Tom Tykwer’s Run Lola Run and Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory, use the distinctively visual to convey and enhance the audiences perception of their ideas. Well Let’s get into it. In Tom Tykwer post-modernist film Run Lola Run, the main themes are the power of time and the amplifying effects of minor changes, both of these concepts are fundamental throughout the whole movie. The opening sequence begins with a close up shot of a pendulum ticking, revealing to the audience that time will be the central theme of the film. We can then see a grandfather clock with a low angle shot, placing us, the audience in a position that indicates that…
Module A Within our daily lives, we are provided with an abundance of visual images from a variety of sources. From daily television shows and commercials, to the billboards seen on the way to school or work, by using prior knowledge and background experiences, ideas start forming. Visual messages are also conveyed in traditional forms such as films, novels, picture books and more. This is displayed in the film ‘Run Lola Run’ by Tom Tykwer and the picture book “The red tree” by Shaun Tan,…
Run Lola Run is a well-known German film that was released in 1998 to positive reviews. There are various filming techniques used to enhance the films story line as well as the audiences experience. Cinematography, sound and editing are important techniques that are vital to any film. The director of Run Lola Run, Tom Tykwer, beautifully blended some of these techniques to create a visually pleasing movie. To capture the story that goes along with this movie, Tykwer used multiple camera angles…
The film adaptation of the novel Perfume: The Story of a Murderer directed by Tom Tykwer did a great job in resembling the novel. I felt that the film followed the novel closely, which really helped me understand the story better. Reading the novel is helpful to understand the film because the novel is the original story/script. When novels are adapted into screenplays, the writer has to do what is best for the film, which can result in the writer cutting out or changing certain things like:…
It is evident that time is a very abstract concept in the sense that so many things can go so many different ways. There are numerous scenarios where we as humans could have done something better or worse. Or perhaps we were saved by ten seconds from a fatal car crash. In a very captivating German film, Run Lola Run, film director Tom Tykwer explores this topic of time with a great visual aesthetic. In this film, Lola, the main character, receives a phone call from her boyfriend Manni who has…
This week’s movie was Run Lola Run by Tom Tykwer. In this film, there was many alternative realities ranging from the main characters Manni (Moritz Bleibtreu) and Lola (Franka Potente) dying in one or vice versa with them living with circumstances being determined by the tiniest of details. The reason why they’re in this predicament is because of their, Manni and Lola, daring attempt to transfer money from a guy they know. They somehow lost the money between the targeted man and the dealer and…
Distinctively visual texts attempts to manipulate the way individuals interpret and explore the images they see; critically affecting the way they make interpretations of the experiences they face in the world. The distinctively visual represented in ‘Run Lola Run’ (1998) by Tom Tykwer and ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ (2012) by Christopher Nolan are significantly strong as distinct images are constantly on the screen to create a suspenseful and thrilling film. Despite their disparate contexts, both…
In Run Lola Run (Tom Tykwer, 1998), one visual effect that is repeated multiple times is the transition from real life to a cartoon, like shown above. Color values, composition, and depth will be used to help discuss the role of the above still. In this particular frame the dominant colors are Lola’s red hair, green and blue clothes, and her skin color. The colors contrast the brown and black stairwell in the background. The dark stairwell seems symbolic of Lola’s journey; it seems to go deeper…
works and who she is, she is standing up to society’s system, going so far as to compare those against her to the government agents that persecute Sommni-451 for her audacity to leave her assigned place in society. Not only that, but the Wachowski sisters have never shied away from casting LGBT roles in their films, with their 1996 thriller Bound being one of the first mainstream films to feature a gay relationship not central to the plot. And according to Rotten Tomatoes, their series, Sense8,…
The distinctively visual text aims to show us the way we discover and understand images we see. Distinctively visual techniques are shown in both ‘run Lola run’ composed by Tom Tykwer and the movie ‘Happy death day’ directed by Christopher Landon and written by Scott Lobdell. Both of these compose use important techniques such as colours and lighting. These techniques help with highlighting the importance of both texts such as love, hope and most importantly time. Throughout the text of ‘run…