while he was ¨strolling down the street.¨ As I suspected, the raiders were unintelligent enough to believe him, they’re nothing but pieces of stone. I managed to finish the wall and place 37mm cannons on it right before I heard the rumble of tanks. At first I thought it was one of our armored divisions sent by H.Q. to help with the raider threat; but, the sounds did not sound like the engines we used. The noised were of a struggling, salvaged engine trying to last out its life as long as possible. It was an entire raider platoon! It was time to see how well the wall would perform. Luckily, there was an M1A3 Abrams position on the wall. It had plenty of APCR, and only 4 HE shells. After while something amazingly pierced through the depleted Uranium Armour and threw up shrapnel all over the place and disabling the weapon system in the process. I was out of harm's way of the shrapnel and hopped out of the Abrams and on a 37mm cannon. Unexpectedly, I heard a loud crack and I went tumbling down into the dirt. I managed to find cover behind a piece of the new wall, there was so much incoming fire that I couldn’t stick my pinkie finger out. After what seemed like hours, in reality it was a couple of minutes, I heard a loud roar of an aircraft engine. It was an AC-130 gunship! The Gunship rained down fire from the heavens, picking up dust and flying tank turrets. I decided to retreat to the second wall while the raiders were still distracted. I had taken a position on a flak gun…
For hydrogen bomb, it is unquestionable that the “ingredients” are made solely from hydrogen. However, that is not the case for atomic bomb. There is several elements available that can be used to make an atomic bomb. First material available is Uranium-235 which has been used by the United States during the Hiroshima bombing. The power produced by one kilogram of this element is equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT (“How Do Nuclear Weapons Work?”). The other material that is available to use is…
comes from the waste is the most harmful to health, which is why observations about this area are of high importance. In this case, we decided to focus on the high-level waste since it has the most adverse impacts on humans and the environment. Radioactivity will decrease with the increase of time. The traditional method of storing waste is burying underground until it doesn’t pose a threat to human and environmental health. We decided to choose uranium as the representative to finish this risk…
Uranium is a very heavy metal, which can be used as an abundant source of concentrated energy. The problem is that why do we think nuclear power is good? And why not use wood or coal or something other that nuclear power. Science has identified this issue when they monitored how much resources we use and we have to understand how we won’t run out of resources. This issue affects us because one day we will run out of resources such as coal gas or oil and it will lead to a difficult like which…
Research has shown that the burning of fossil fuels produce an extreme amount of carbon dioxide, which is a primary contributor to air pollution and ozone depletion. Additionally, the burning of coal is an inefficient method for producing energy. The data also shows a fraction of uranium is needed to generate nuclear energy and the waste manufactured is also minute when compared to coal. Based on the data provided, coal manufactured nearly 2600 times more waste than a nuclear based power plant.…
In the last 60 years, Uranium mining has become the basis of one of the worlds most popular sources of energy. While Uranium is almost always used for nuclear energy, it is also used in medical isotopes. To obtain Uranium for nuclear power, it is generally mined in large open pit and underground mines. Like most other mines, mining Uranium destroys the ecosystem and landscape, produces lots of noise pollution, demolishes habitats and are very dangerous. More specifically, Uranium mines have an…
recent, the struggle to rid Iran of its nuclear capabilities has seen heightened debate on whether a deal has the power to do so. Through a span of twelve years, this deal, most commonly referred to as the Iran deal, has seen negotiations with the five major members of the U.N. Within this deal there is a desire to eliminate the possibility for Iran to create nuclear weapons; by confiscating crucial necessities to the process plutonium and uranium, as well as implementing the supervision of…
understandings of the nature of atoms. In 1898 France, Paris, Pierre and his wife Marie Curie discovered a new substance within an ore of Uranium that they named radium that emitted large amounts of (as we now call) radioactivity. Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy Identified that atoms can break down and turn into different elements. For example if a block of uranium were left alone for 4.5 billion years, around 45% of it would turn into lead. Hopes for scientists around the world were…
modern day. With the discovery of radiation and the start of the World Wars, the Unites States developed and publicized radioactivity, not caring for the immediate consequences, only hoping to win the war, become a world power, and understand radioactivity. The discovery of radiation led to the abuse of knowledge and power and ultimately led to the deaths of millions of people and the exploitation of an incredibly powerful force through lax safety regulations in factory environments, the…
Student: Khalid Anwahi Rhetorical Analysis of Scholarly Essay The main argument in the article what role could nuclear power play in limiting climate change? by Robert Rosner and Alex Hearn is that nuclear power plays a great responsibility in hindering the change of weather. The authors point out that it is within the ability of the modern international technical in doing away with fuel produced from the coal firms in the world by the year 2100. They add that it would be more challenging to…