When you look at fans of professional wrestling, it can become pretty obvious who their favorite wrestler is, by the clothing, or merchandise, they wear. For fans of Kanye West, there’s a different similarity between pro wrestling fans and themselves. Kanye West fans do not have a definitive name, or way of defining themselves. There is no form for the group for some reason. However, they are still able to celebrate their icon and promote their icon in a positive way amid negative press he is prone to receiving. Although they aren’t well formed, Kanye’s fans still have a great impact on the artist’s social proof with them being the first to respond to anything Kanye related, the first to archive anything Kanye related, the main source of buzz surrounding Kanye willing to congregate in one place for something he’s spearheaded, and the ones who further his brand outside of his own artistic endeavors. Like any other fan group, there’s always a main hub where a majority of fans of an artist can congregate and worship their chosen artist. Kanye’s fan are no different. With Kanye fans, Kanyetothe has become the unofficial home for Kanye West fans to discuss and share anything Kanye related. In the forum is a dedicated section for Kanye and his label GOOD Music. With this section, anything Kanye related news, content, or theories, are posted in this section before any media platform has the opportunity to share such content. KTT (shortened for KanyeToThe) is literally seconds…
Actions Consequences and Death It was once said that, “The consequences of the choices you make can change your life in a blink of an eye, be sure of what you do before you do it, sometimes it can’t be undone.” This is evident in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In this play, Macbeth is incredibly thirsty for power. He proceeds to commit horrific deeds to get what he wants and refuses to stop at any lengths. This intense craving for power eventually begins to cause tremendous affects to Macbeth’s mental…
Consequences of biodiversity loss Biodiversity is a phenomenon that all life on earth depends on. It is the link between all life on earth. In other words the web of life. There is a perfect interdependent system in place that allows every organism on earth what it needs needed to survive and the relationship between all is beneficial to all others, except in most cases humans. We have more of a symbiotic relationship with the earth and everything else on it where we could be seen as kind of…
In today's society, many people create a crime and hope not to get caught: not because of the consequences but because they are fearful of the severity of the consequences. Their first thoughts when committing a crime are mostly along the lines of other people will never catch them. The guilt then ceases for a split second, then crawls back towards them, reminding them that they are indeed caught the moment they did the crime. The Crucible is exactly that and more, going over many people’s…
Bullying: The Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Kids see bullying everyday. They want to help but they do not know how to avoid thinking they might suffer from repercussions. Today, kids need to be taught to be more than a bystander. Bullying is defined as an unwanted aggressive behavior among school aged children that involve a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying is a repeated behavior over time, that leads both the kids who bully others and are the victims of bullying to have…
Many drivers are reckless and impatient and due to this, accident are caused on the road by to following basic rules such as checking your mirrors, not stopping at the right distances underestimating the distance of which they need to stop at ignoring the safety laws of driving, changing lanes in hurry, tailgating, speeding and etc. Discuss the consequences of unsafe road use behaviour for individuals and the community: There are many different consequences amongst with unsafe driving, these…
They planned to recapture Nice and Savoy with no thought for the consequences. Cavour panicked, realising the catastrophic consequences of attempting to start a war with France could have. However news from Sicily about a rebellions occurring led to Garibaldi changing course. Garibaldi arrived in Sicily and moved up through the state acquiring more recruits and people joined his growing army. Soon Sicily was in the hands of Garibaldi and entirely under his control. He then headed north, towards…
The author stresses the negative consequences of savagery are clearly stated throughout the novel. In the early chapters of the novel, he proposes that one of the important roles of a society is to provide an outlet for human impulses. The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel in which the theme of savagery versus civilization is explored. William Golding uses word choice and Sam and Eric’s impressions, looks, and actions to reveal their attitude of being positive and nice.…
Consequences of Alcohol Alcohol is the most used drug in the United States. Although people drink all of the time, do they know the severity effects it has on them? Do they realize that it destroys people’s lives? Do people think it will resolve all their difficulties? There are many problems that come from the consumption of alcohol. To put a stop to so many deaths, health problems, and additions, alcohol should be illegal. Primarily, alcohol is the reason for so many deaths around the world.…
The central research is how easily accessible pornography is to people anywhere and everywhere. Pornography has effect on teens and adults with their daily social lives. The methods used to analyze the problem are comparing statics from different cites, a personal experience from a dad and son, and the consequences porn has on its viewers. My topic is important because technology is advancing, which means more people can find easier ways to look up pornography. Background and Significance: As…