tax purposes. In compliance with AASB 137 a contingent consideration is a possible asset or obligation that arises from past events and will be confirmed only for one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity. Furthermore, in this case there is no evidence of contingent consideration in the annual report. According to AASB 3 business combination should measure the components of NCI that indicates ownership interests and the proportion share of their holders including fair value or the recognised amounts of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets (Paragraph 19). NCI is the acquisition proportion of equity ownership in a subsidiary, which are not attributable to parent company. In the Notes to The Financial Statements section Principles of Consolidation non-controlling interest are calculated at the date of acquisition with the proportional share of the acquired subsidiaries identifiable net assets. Where NCI is the allocated amount to ownership interests outside the group of partly owned subsidiaries equity. The amount transferred is measured at fair value, known as identifiable net assets acquired, the excess amount transferred will be recorded as goodwill. Subsequently determining the amount of goodwill or a gain from bargain purchase and recognise the future economic benefit, it is necessary to test impairment of goodwill annually, testing the cash generating unit (CGU), as regulated by IAS 36 (Carvalho, Rodrigues and Ferreira, 2016). In…
According to Anderson (2006), the persistence of the media in highlighting an issue can help define it as a problem, forcing the government to act on a condition that has been in existence for years, or even decades. The media does this by using focusing events. For instance, life threatening hazards faced by coal miners were ignored in the US since the 1930s. Despite annual deaths as a result of collapsing mines, averaging at 1000, the government did little to address the problem. In 1968,…
performance. In Qantas consolidation statement of comprehensive income (2015), NCI only contributes to 0.7% of total comprehensive income by making $4M income. In addition, there is no NCI contribution during year 2014 as well. Equity in balance sheet and divide performance related to NCI Qantas has decided to increase the portion of interest held in subsidiaries or they bought new subsidiaries. Under the equity statement, dividend paid to NCI is $4M an acquisition of NCI is $1M. It shows the…
The advantages of using nuclear power rather than any other form of power are many. Using nuclear power alone would cause lower greenhouse gas emissions, it is more powerful and more efficent than any other energy source to which we have access. While solar and wind energies are most likely the cleanest options, they are not as reliable as nuclear power. Uranium, which generates nuclear energy, is very cheap and it does not take much to produce energy. Coal, oil, and natural gas will not…
The government of India has prioritized key sectors (including electricity, transport, oil and gas, industry, buildings and forestry) in its road map for low-carbon development to support inclusive growth and reduce the emissions intensity of its economy. On 1 July 2010, the government implemented an excise tax (“carbon tax”) on coal at the rate of INR50 (about US$1) per ton of coal. This coal tax applies to both domestically produced and imported coal, and revenues are used to finance the…
The reason why mainstream media or politicians don 't want to talk about the issues is because these companies pay an enormous amount of money in lobbying, campaign donations, and independent expenditures to Washington to not do anything about it. Currently we face an incredibly complex series of decisions over climate change such as social, political, policies, economic decisions. We need to address all of this to stop the planet from heating pass the tipping point or boiling point. Bernie…
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, hydraulic fracturing or fracking is a “well stimulation process used to maximize the extraction of underground resources.” The resource most commonly extracted using hydraulic fracturing is natural gas. The practice of hydraulic fracturing is highly controversial as proponents and opponents debate its environmental benefits and costs. To begin, the use of hydraulic fracturing has greatly increased in the twenty-first century. The…
supposed inexpensiveness. However, the cost of fossil fuels in terms of human lives is often ignored. Nuclear power, on the other hand, is a much safer alternative because it results in fewer deaths per unit of energy produced than coal and natural gas. By comparing their outputs in terms of energy produced per unit of fuel consumed, and comparing that with the amount of byproducts produced as well as the amount of deaths associated with both energy sources we can analyse their relative…
Wind energy does not need to be transported or processed so it cuts down on long term expenses. Wind also does not need to be mined for so that also cuts down on costs. The cost of wind energy is also fixed. Oil prices increase or decrease based on the need and how much it takes to mine and transport the oil. Wind energy generates electricity at the source making the cost fixed so prices would be more stable. Wind energy is also the lowest priced form of renewable energy costing only four to six…
The United States has more than triple the amount of fracked wells compared to China and Canada; therefore, the United States. has a fifteen year advantage; in fact, major companies are banking on that in the future (New America). One other example happened in Pennsylvania. In two thousand and ten, a Marcellus Shale Coalition press released “The safe and steady development of clean-burning natural gas in Pennsylvania’s portion of the Marcellus Shale has the potential to create an additional…