Concurrent validity

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    Cons According to Reviewers According to Houghton, Mifflin, and Harcourt (2016), the WJ III DRB test 's validity depends on two factors: 1) how closely its norming sample represents the population to which the test results will be compared, and 2) how carefully the data were gathered from that sample. However, diagnoses of ADHD using tests of cognitive ability, like the Woodcock-Johnson III, have primarily relied on mean differences between individuals with and without ADHD. Until the current investigation, only three discriminant validity studies had explored the relationship between the WJ III and ADHD (Frazier, et al.,…

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    Tests need to be accurate (i.e. valid) for the researcher to know the test can be trusted. Tests have a concept or framework that guide what the test is supposed to measure. Construct-based validity evidence is used to measure to the degree that the test is measuring that construct. This type of validity has two subparts: discriminant validity and convergent validity. When constructs are not supposed to be related, discriminant validity checks to see if they are in fact unrelated. On the other…

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    Validity in Research When planning research, scholars must consider many factors. Two such factors are is the measure of the construct valid and will the specific measure of the construct result in reliable data (Trochim & Donnelly, 2008). Take for example a study to determine the effectiveness of a specific Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) medication for children ages 8-14 who are diagnosed with ADD, where the researchers yield consistent results for each participant for each dosage for the…

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    The Self-Compassion Scale

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    Appendix B). Validity and Reliability An instrument is valid when it measures the construct it was designed for, and reliable when an instrument can consistently produce the same results over time, across different situations (Field, 2003). Content validity is an evaluation of the relationship between the items and the construct being measured (Cook & Beckman, 2006) and can be done in two ways. Firstly, a thorough revision of the construct would be required to avoid any ambiguities when…

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    and any variation and comparison procedures for all administered batteries (LaForte, McGrew, & Schrank, 2014). Furthermore, LaForte, McGrew, and Schrank (2014) states the WJ IV is based on the theoretical foundation from the Cattell-Horn-Caroll theory of cognitive ability and evidence to support the interpretation of the WJ IV, Validity Content was addressed using the master-test and cluster-content according to the CHC theory. The Content validity refers to the learning area measured by the…

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    Validity speaks to the magnitude to which the interpretations of test scores are grounded in theory and evidence. Validity is one of the most fundamental things to think about when evaluating psychological test. The question of validity can be expressed from three different perspectives, purpose of the test, the form the test comes in and the population being served. Therefore, researchers should never say “the test is valid.” Instead, researchers should state that the test is valid enough…

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    MACI Assessment Report

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    just speeding through it trying to get it over with, and help them with an accurate self-report to make the tool more effective. The test is scored using an interpretative report including the validity information, personality patterns, the Grossman personality facet scales, expressed concerns, and clinical syndromes. The assessment report shows the Base Rate and Raw Scores side by side to indicate clinical syndromes…

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    Traditional Methods of Validity vs. the Process-Focused Model Amy Wilhelm Kaplan University PS505: Testing, Measurement and Assessment Dr. Raymond Brogan December 16, 2014 Traditional Methods of Validity vs. the Process-Focused Model Testing and assessments are used continuously in many areas of clinical psychology. The testing instrument needs to be considered reliable and valid. Cohen, Swerdlik and Struman (2013) define validity as being the estimate of how well the test…

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    construct validity, the GAI’s truthfulness scale was compared with the polygraph exam and it indicated a positive correlation between the two. Concurrent validity procedures included administering a test and comparing the test results to criterion performance. It is important to take into consideration any cultural bias or other social factors related to the assessment. For example, Chinese cultures have values and beliefs that favor gambling. Hence, they will not rate the severity of their…

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    Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32) will be used to measure applicant’s behavioural flexibility (see selection matrix). The test will be given in full and subscales for behavioural flexibility, conscientiousness, extroversion, and openness to new experiences will be formulated. However, initially only the relevant behaviour flexibility components sub score will be utilised. A detailed manual is provided which outlines among other things tests administration, procedure, scoring, norms,…

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