The second source is a book which introduced the basic concepts and applications of this methodology. The authors concentrated on the causal discovery of networks and the techniques of using Bayesian networks. Furthermore, they discussed the utilisation of this methodology for causal modelling. This source is important at the initial stage of the project as it contributes to the decision-making process at the modelling technique selection stage. However, it is not as important as the other two sources after it was decided not to be used as the modelling method for the system model of this project. Bayesian networks are diagrams for uncertain interpretation in which the nodes denote factors which can either be discrete or continuous, X = X1, … Xi, … Xn, from the domain. Links are used between two nodes, Xi → Xj, to illustrate the immediate relationships between the variables. These relationships are always causal. Arrangement of the nodes in Bayesian networks portrays qualitative connections among the parameters. Two nodes are directly linked together where one of them can influence or bring about the other. Direction of the link signifies the direction of the impact [9]. Where there is a link between two nodes, the arc is said to start from the “parent” and ends at the “child”. Under the circumstance where there is a chain of nodes, the link situated in the beginning of the chain will be the “ancestor” while the one that appears later is a “descendant”. An additional…
Growing up dogs have always been around me, and we’ve had many dogs, and a few cats, over the years. Here 's the stories of a few. The first dog I ever met was Shala. She was a chow chow mix and my mother’s dog a long time before I was born. She was the sweetest dog you’d ever meet, though I was young when we had her so I don 't remember much. When we moved out to New Mexico in 2004 she came with me and my mom, which must 've really been hard for both of them since we were driving from florida.…
as well. His people questioned his leadership and he felt threatened by his people’s comments, after experiencing the Hundred Flowers Movement, the Great Leap Forward, the Sino-Soviet Split, and the failure to take control of Taiwan. Mao’s failures during the Second Five Year Plan left him depressed and in self-doubt that he had to leave for all of the greater good of China. The leaders who replaced Mao were younger than Mao and are considered wiser. Those leaders were Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai,…
Power - Kanye West In this song, Kanye explores what it 's like to have too much power. Additionally, one can relate Mao to the speaker in the songs over exertion of powers. Mao essentially gains so much power that it comes with a price. Mass factions are pitted against each other, chaos ensues, and his (arguable) legacy is tarnished. However, what if this was all part of the grand scheme of things? A quotation from the New York Times says, “The Cultural Revolution was merely a ploy to destroy…
to a new demographic (small town farmers who are cross breeding animals for new age cute internet memes)). This isn 't some heartwarming story about how I worked a mundane job but all of a sudden we were allowed dogs in the work place and everyone 's hatred slowly dissipated (working title: WorkBud). This story is more like the story of the horse from Horsin ' Around, and beloved Netflix celebrity, BoJack Horseman. Its real. Or at least it feels real. Its one of those weird twisted moments…
To Live The movie “To Live” explains the life of an average Chinese family through the feudalist Warlord Era, the labor-intensive Great Leap Forward, and the communist Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. “To Live” shows how China moved from a feudal system to a communist system during the twentieth century. This family consists of Fugui (the husband), Jiazhen (the wife), Fengxia (the daughter), and Youquing (the son). At the time, China was struggling to unite. This…
Mao Zedong got power by promising to make China better in 1950-1976. Communism is a way of organizing a society in which the government 's goal is to have social, political and economic equality that is ruled by a dictator. Mao Zedong did not make a better society economically because landlords were forced to leave their property, their society was not doing well and the society socially had religion and culture destroyed and including discrimination towards landlords. Mao Zedong did not make a…
“The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, were ill-conceived and led to disastrous consequences.” (Scharm) In consequence of the Hundred Flowers Campaign, Mao enforced anti-rightest movement which was just the start of Mao’s reign of terror. Mao felt hated and rejected, therefore, to fix the problem Mao simply decided to exterminate all of the people who were against him. These people who were typically educated, independent thinkers were called the Rightists and to make them agree…
Discourse Malcolm Gladwell says, "Epidemics are sensitive to the conditions and circumstances of the times and places in which they occur" The famous line “I took the one less travelled by” from Robert Frost’s “The Road Not taken” is attributed as being one of the most misunderstood phrases in modern literature. The line which endures the place on the tongue of many hopeful fathers is really an indictment of Frosts anticipation of remorse of his future self - having taken the road less…
“It will be like that until someone decides to change it. All of it. But how did you change an entire culture? Revolutions were about politics, not perceptions, weren 't they?” (“A Quote from Infidel”). I believe this quote really defines what the Cultural Revolution was all about because the Cultural Revolution started with one man with a vision to shape China’s future, and that man was Mao Zedong. He wanted to spread his ideologies across China and impose his beliefs. He paved the way for the…